Saturday, December 31, 2022

NYE...The End of 2022


And it feels a lot like THIS...

What a year. 

In fact 2020...2021...and 2022 will probably be known by historians as The Missing

Talking with Kaleb this morning...and two things we both concur on:

2022 really almost PTSD

and 2023 is going to be better and Our Year!

So, there is that.

Glad to see this one go.

January began with the loss of my good friend Brenda (cancer)...also friends (and neighbors) Rita (complications with breathing) and Sue. (stroke)

James and Nicole were unhappy and contemplating divorce.

Still no word from Chris and Tina.

Go, bad year...

Along the way the family exploded and the grands were scattered everywhere. James and Nicole were divorced. 

Chris and Tina remain incommunicado.

I battled situational depression and apathy for months.

My friend Diane went into kidney failure and now has dialysis three times a week.

Lost my friend in Colorado (Ralph) to COPD/Pneumoia

John found out he had/has a rare form of lung cancer and dealing with the chemo/radiation/immunotherapy from that.

My sister, Lisa, nearly died.

My sister, Tina, had a TIA.

And this is just the highlights...needless to say it has been a shit-storm. 

And yet...there have been bright spots.

Did the entire of China Virtually...tried some new dishes and learned a lot along the way.

Bought an energy-drink from China, a piece of carved jade, a wok and cleaver...which I love.

Had many adventures with my guy this year...and even celebrated the end of his treatments with our favorite steak house.

He is kicking cancer's ass.

The patio garden turned out very beautiful this year and my roses exploded!!!

KB and I are closer than ever, and planning to see each other at least monthly next year.

 (...and hoping as the years progress we will be able to reunite all the kids...)

I got involved with 60 and Me...for people over 60...and love it. Helped me maintain my sanity through everything.

FRED has been remarkably well behaved given the stress...and only had 3 bad flare-ups this year!

Loretta is happy and healthy and doing good...she came down in May and hopefully in Spring we will go up to see her.

Lisa and Tina are both fine now...and we had Chinese and our Sisters Day yesterday!

 Busily planning our January SD now.

Planning next year's virtual adventure...maybe South America. wasn't all bad.

And finishing everything up (laundry/dishes/et al) tonight so that tomorrow we start fresh.

A New Beginning! 


Happy New Year's Eve!


Carla and the Sofi-Cat

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Finishing Virtual China: Tibet


As our Year in Virtual China draws to a close...I would like to end in Tibet.

Former home of the Dalai Lama, who was exiled when Communist China took over, Tibet spans 970,000 square miles and is home to 13.5 million people.

The 14th (and current) Dalai Lama

Most speak the Tibetan Language and are Buddhist.

...funny fact...I always knew that Communist China tended to micro-manage...but nothing shows this quite as well as a recent proclamation that No One is Allowed to Reincarnate without Expressed Government Permission...not entirely sure how they plan to enforce this....

Not a joke.

The Roof of The World

This plateau has been inhabited for around 21,000 years.

The PRC annexed Tibet in 1950.

Some of the tallest mountains in the world are here...including Mount Everest. Over 29,000 feet above sea level.

Yearly, there are between 600-800 people who actually make the summit. Over 300 have died in the attempt. 

Nearly 200 of the frozen bodies in the very upper levels are still there, unable to be evacuated.

Climbing Mt. Everest

And the Summit.

 View from the Top of The World!

I hope you have enjoyed this year's virtual the first we will map another wonderful journey... 




Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Until January 6th...Football...Appalachian Christmas Meal

Happiness is JuJu dressed and arriving at the game yesterday in full Grinch attire.

Oh...and the Seahawks who "warmed up" shirtless in the 9 degree weather.

Trying to look intimidating in the freezing cold.

John and I watched the game together. Kansas won!!!!

And you have to wonder if a few of the six (above) were sick this morning.

Christmas is not quite over yet...with my sisters arriving Friday, and Diane and I the following week...and John and I, later that week.  By the following weekend it will all be over...the tree stowed...the carpet scrubbed and 2023 begun.

Tonight the Colts play...we are already out of the playoffs..but they are using Nick Foles as the QB this we HAVE to watch. 

I don't think I've seen Foles play since he won that SB.

The Christmas Meal was straight out of Kentucky yesterday...with ham and beans..cole slaw...corn bread with butter and blackberry jam...and sweet tea! Since both my sisters and John's meal will involve Chinese cooking, and Diane and I are having seemed a wonderful alternative.

And there is a bowl of leftover beans and ham that looks pretty good for today!

 Survived the cold wave...amused ourselves by tossing boiling water into the subzero temps and watching it turn to snow-dust...and stayed inside.

Finally read the latest Stephen King novel

After a long long wait.

I am, of course, one of his Constant Readers...that is what makes this so hard to say...although I finished it in a bit over 2 days...which was a lot like this:

It was pretty "meh" and by the end I found it fairly dissatisfying.

Your mileage may vary.

The beginning starts off engrossing...but by the middle he seems to just lose interest. too, too...

A Movie that both of us are looking forward to and have already planned an Alien Avatar II.

and one sure to break your heart, that I am waiting for video release, is Brendan Fraiser's comeback in The Whale.

...because I'm not going to ugly-cry in the midst of the theater...that's why...

...all the added weight is carefully applied prosthetics and a fat-suit...

The Official Trailer

When a less then two minute trailer can make you laugh and cry...well...I think this is Frazier's Oscar performance. 

I really do.

We will see.

Update tonight after the game.



So is 11 PM and the Chargers have secured their place in the playoffs...and we LOST badly 20-3, and now I must sleep!


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Cuy...Good News...Birthday...and Almost Christmas

"Don't EAT me..."


 Huge applause for my guy...who decided to expand his culinary horizons when Melissa and Eric were up to visit by going to an authentic Peruvian restaurant.

It went well, and he enjoyed it immensely.

Before he left I encouraged him to try Cuy (pronounced Coo-ie)

and refusing to tell him what it was.

When we talked later and he related his experience he told me they didn't serve Cuy there...but when he entered the restaurant was passed by a frantic and very anxious looking guinea pig....lmao!!!!!

He and I are going sometime next year...they even have the purple corn drink!!!

Breathing again...

Got the results from his comparison CT after the chemo and radiation.

From the top....                NOW                       THEN

Kicking cancer's ass!!!

He starts Immunotherapy for a year...this Monday.

Needless to say...we are thrilled!

He has described Immunotherapy as releasing a Seal Team into your bloodstream to hunt down and clean-up any remaining cancer cells.

How it works.

Pretty straight ahead.

Fairly sure we're going to beat this thing!

So...we went to the Steakhouse to celebrate...both his birthday and the results...and finished trimming the tree...because....yeah...short arms...

And decided that the topper or bow is his job from now on. But finally done...and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Doing Char-Sui Pork for our holiday this year...since we have explored Virtual China all year...

But seriously considering South America and all that entails next year so that we can end in Peru...and yes...have CUY for

Already checked with my exotic meat market and it is available!

...they have to remove the little head and feet or this is a no-go...


Busy watching all the holidays favorites.


And really isn't Christmas until Hans falls off the tower!

And, of course, Dr. Suess'  How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Colts play today at 1 PM and the Chiefs play tomorrow at 1 PM...and making my friends peanut butter fudge, to distribute Monday, this weekend!



Have a great weekend!




Thursday, December 1, 2022




Woke up to 29 degrees and hot cocoa.

Yes...only 24 days until Christmas!

                                                         DON'T PANIC

The pies and sides and turkey is gone...Thanksgiving is officially over.

(...thank goodness...)

Replaced by the excesses of the season.

Dark chocolate cherries.

Christmas cookies.



Since I've been exploring Virtual China all year...the Christmas feast will consist of Dan Noodles...Char Siu Pork...Eggrolls and Chinese vegetables. 


Dessert is still under consideration.

Amber brought the tree out for me on Monday...hoping to light it tonight.

Decorating with red (or maybe gold bows)...Imperial red and gold balls...and these

Traditional Red Money Envelopes.

(...but first I have to go roll the Fall pumpkin into the compost tote...)

Tuesday marked the last day of John's treatments. Next week we get to see if it has done the job.  

Nervous, but optimistic.

He has been very lucky...and aside from some mild fatigue and a little chemo-brain fog and an almost imperceptible rash at the radiation site (...close to the end....) he tolerated treatment extremely well. Worked out 3 days a week and rode his bike through all but the inclement weather.

I think his overall physical fitness had a lot to do with how well he did with it all.

Unstoppable, he was out as soon as the conservancy stocked with Robert and Kenny...who caught a nice brown.

Looking forward to celebrating your birthday, soon...and later our Christmas Getaway!

Some "Our Time"

                                      (...and we have earned it this year...)

The Cat Whisperer found another buddy at his local bait store.

Meet Stormy.

It seems he has a kitty in every

Now to roll the pumpkin...put on some Christmas music...and bring out the baubles, boxes and bows!


Happy December!




Update:  The tree is up and lit...though not decorated.

Sofi is ecstatic!

Just sits beneath it gazing upwards through the branches.