Saturday, August 24, 2024

Beyond Exhausted...


Four days of past-midnight for the DNC the third and last pre-season football games...

Yeah..Tux and I are sleeping on and off all weekend!

And how about that convention!!!

4 days of happiness, music, joy and positivity!

So different than the doom and gloom politics of the GOP...which repeatedly call America a failing nation.


America is fine.

It is the GOP and the politics of fear, doom and gloom that are failing.

(...we will show you in November...)

I've decided to hold on to the feelings of hope and happiness and joy that I found with our party M-Thurs. 

And ignore MAGA, Vance, JFK JR....and especially Trump.

Not only do they have NOTHING I care to hear...but they add NOTHING to the national conversation.

They are irrelevant. focus is on getting Kamala Harris (and Gus' dad) elected.

As an aside...wasn't the Walz's family reaction to his nomination one off the most genuine and wholesome moments in politics you've ever seen???

Recovering from the week!


Carla & Tux


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Football...Tale of Two Carsons...FIVE...Walz...and Bears is BACK!!!!

Only three pre-season games...with one left. 18 regular games this season!!!

John and I have been focused on our teams (Kansas and Colts).

It has been pretty entertaining.

The Colts have showcased FIVE different QBs.


I have no idea who  our starter is going to be.

Then there are The Chiefs.

(...Swiftless, for now...)

Until my guy says

"You know they signed Carson Wentz?"

(...this is a joke, right???)

"You mean Carson Steele?"

(...rookie RB...)

"Yeah...him, too."


I have no idea who thought bring Wentz aboard was a good idea...but

...Maybe we can bring Taylor Swift back...

Steele looks good, and will be a nice addition.

And Mahomes is still...well...HIM.

Last night he pulled off a behind-the-back pass to Kelce that will be shown repeatedly this season.

The Bears (...real ones...not football...) are beginning to fatten up for hibernation and the up-coming Fat Bear Contest.

#747 (Colbert...aka Bear Force One)


And #151 (Walker) seem to be the top contenders at this time...but it is early.

In political news...Tim Walz (pronounced Walls...not Waltz) received The Rose...and is Harris' VP candidate.

And it is going really really well!!!

This guy is like everyone's Grandpa/Dad.


You know he is going to call you kiddo or sport...and pop out of your garage letting you know he rotated your tires and fixed that loose screen door while he was at it.

The two of them have remarkable...positive energy!

Meanwhile...the circus is leaving town.

And taking their clowns with them.

...and it is about damned time...

Can't wait for the DNC Convention to start Monday!

So...we lived through the flooding when the water-heater rusted through spilling its entire contents into the hallway, and creating a pond worthy of bluegill.

Industrial strength shop-vac and blowers and a brand new water heater...and it is finally clean and dry.


Had an amazing lunch from Hogg Wild BBQ this week!

Enjoyed pictures of Lachlan.

Who will be 3 months old at the end of August!

And played with the cats.

And lots of football!!!


Carla, John, Tux and Gadget 



Sunday, August 4, 2024

Lachlan...Lunch With Kayleb...Loss...And Politics


So...we lost Itsy Bitsy this week.

He must have had much more complicated internal injuries from the biting and shaking.

Poor little guy never had a chance.

128jr. (Biggie) is fine.

 And fishing The Office with Mom last night.

Many of the bear folk are still pretty inconsolable. 

Although the salmon are plentiful...roving bands of pirates are now taking the opportunity to steal others catches.

The 482 gang have been particularly egregious. 

All of us still wait for Otis...

Kayleb and I enjoyed Chinese and chat on Monday!

He is doing well.

Chris came over with Lachlan, yesterday!


He is getting so big.

Happy and totally smitten with Dad!

Melissa and Eric are up and John has been running everywhere.

Micro-Center, Trader Joe's, The Casino, Applebee's, and The State Fair!

But today they are gone...and he has landed...and we are both taking a relaxing Sunday.

Tomorrow, real life begins again, with him getting an estimate on the plumbing repair again...and me (finally) getting relief from ANOTHER water leak here.

And then there are POLITICS...


I can't be the only person suffering from Trump Fatigued Syndrome.

 Now they are flailing, attacking each other, Kamala's husband and gearing up for whoever she decides to pick for her VP.

...and don't even get me started about JD Vance...okay???

We find out Tuesday who has been presented The Rose for VP.

Seriously...I am ready for Harris...and for him to just get the hell out of our lives.

Is that too much to ask???


Carla, John, Tux and Gadget