Monday, February 2, 2015

Post-Game Prattle

So, how about that game?

Completely made up for the blow-out between the Broncos and the Seahawks last year.

Not much of a long pass or running game because both teams were just offensive and defensive monsters!  With the score tied  7-7 at the end of the first quarter and both teams had clawed their way inch by inch for those.  Lane was taken out with an injury early during an interception.

The 2nd Quarter was much of the same. At one point they remained tied at 14-14. The continuous tied scores do not give credit to the battle that was being waged on the field. These two teams were like watching gladiators push and gain ground by increments. This is the BEST Superbowl I have seen for several years. 

Then there was the half-time show...we'll come back to this.

And the commercials...we will come back to those, too.

By the 3rd Quarter the Seahawks had inched up to a 17-14 lead...from a field goal...and then proceeded to score a touchdown that brought them to a solid ten point lead.


Giving credit where credit is due...Chris Matthews was a "black hole" last night. Any time the ball was passed in his direction it was sucked instantly into his hands.  
Really, it was incredible.

If the Seahawks had won..Matthews would have definitely gotten MVP.

But, in the 4th Quarter the Patriots began to close the gap...and were 24-21 at the 6 minute mark.

By the 2 minute mark they would pull ahead to a 4 point lead  28-24.

And then...there at the one yard line...things got really weird. With less than two minutes on the clock instead of handing the ball off to, say, Lynch who is the human equivalent of a Mack Truck and could probably have made the touchdown with 3 or 4 Patriots clinging to him like cats trying to escape a bath...but no...

Wilson throws the ball..and is the one yard line.

Intercepted at the One Yard Line!


(...hell I am not a football player...I don't even play one on TV...but even I know you don't throw a ball at the one yard line...what the hell was he thinking??)

And it was intercepted by Malcom Butler.


Exactly my point.

An undrafted Rookie, whose name was pretty much unknown...well until last night anyway.

But wait...there was more. 

 I am sure that losing the Superbowl by the skin of your teeth was more than a little frustrating...but suddenly there in the end-zone Seahawk's Bruce Irvin decided to start throwing punches around and was summarily ejected from the game. With seconds left on the clock.

Yeah....that is the way I would want to be remembered...NOT.

The Patriots ran down the clock and won their 4th Superbowl.


An edge of your seat game from beginning to end.

The Half-Time Show and the Commercials?

Kind of bizarre as well.

Katie Perry on a ginormous mechanized lion while she sings about a tiger; wearing a cheap knock off of one of Cinnamon’s flamed creations very ala Hunger Games that had been sale racked at Kmart. 

Lenny Kravitz was the half-time's saving grace.

And the shooting star that snatched Perry up?
It just didn't come around soon enough. a friend posted in FB concerning Perry's performance...a picture does say more than a thousand words.

Seems reasonable.

The glowing orbs...the 3-D tiles and the chess-type pieces were entertaining...and the fireworks were outstanding!

And was it me? Or were the commercials a bit odd, this year, as well.

Oh, the Budweiser "lost puppy" ad was great, if predictable...and my personal favourite was the e-surance Heisenberg as a subbing pharmacist (made me laugh out loud) but most of the numerous automobile ads were ambiguous

What the hell are they selling???" 

"They want us to buy something...what is it????"

The Domestic violence ad was just chilling.
(And when you are fake ordering the pizza to get hold of the he will know.)

Seriously, who comes up with these?

And Nationwise...cute puppies, kittens and kids are okay.
Dead kids are NOT.


The most annoying ads were a toss up between the Vulture Data ad and the Kardashian ad.

And finally...the Colorado Truck AD which may have been the BEST (...or at the very least most persuasive AD...) of the evening.

 I can't even DRIVE, anymore...but by about the third time they aired this ad I was saying

"Hell yeah...Got to have me one of those!"

Especially liked it when they showed the little kids the photos and asked which kind of pet the driver of the Colorado might own.

"Maybe a rattlesnake..."

Would love to see February's sales figures on this one. I predict a boom!

 So, there you go...the good, the bad and the ugly of Superbowl 49...

Catch you next year
 at Superbowl 50

 (Where they have finally decided to stop using the Roman Numerals...probably because it makes the millennials heads explode...)

Oh...and that annoying rodent saw his shadow