Monday, July 27, 2015

Lions and Tigers and Grands, Oh My...

Recovering from a wonderful "grand-filled" week!  Getting some 1:1 time with them before school reconvenes in August.

So the week looked a lot like this:

And a surprise end-of-the week trip with James and Nicole and the kids to

And my personal favorite...this guy:

                                                 "I Wuv You!"                

Who, although he had a huge open paddock to bound around in, came rushing to the fencing chuffing and whuffing in "tiger-talk" and pawed, rolled and played like a 200 pound kitty who just wanted a tummy rub! 

All of the big cats were rescued.  Some from horrendous circumstances. Others from well meaning people who had bought them as cubs and then realized the task at hand as their cute cuddly cub became...well...a fully grown adult Tiger, Leopard, Lion, Serville or Bobcat. A few from Circuses or Zoos. One had been kept in a room in a woman's house all of it's life. Had never seen outside or ran through the grass.

The lioness (pictured above) is Ataxic like me...staggering about, with her own neurological disorder. She perked up when I got near as if to say

"Finally, something I could probably outrun!"

All kidding aside, I learned something that could prove extremely important in my day to day battle with ataxia (unstable gait).  Although there is no cure...good results and less gait problems are shown with a regimen of  Vitamin A and E supplements and B-12. After hearing our guide discuss this I researched its effectiveness in Neurological Ataxia in Humans and found much the same recommendation. Who knew?  My neurologist never mentioned this. I am going to try the combination. If it helps I will be ecstatic...and owe this stumbling lioness a debt of gratitude. And if it neurologist has some "...splainin' to do..."


They all seemed relaxed, fit, healthy and happy in their new home which resembled a tropical rainforest...or maybe a scene out of Jurassic Park with compounds, platforms for leaping, water for submerging and tall tall fencing.

It was an amazing adventure and all monies go toward operating costs and the general care of the animals. It is a worthwhile cause since all/most of these animals are too damaged (or familiar) with humans to ever re-introduce to the wild.

To find out more about their operation/visit/donate items or sponsor a rescued animal, check out:

And James' new slice of happiness from the past week...his new ride.

A Cadillac. 

There will be NO living with him now, you!

He worked hard for it and it rides like a dream! So proud of him.

More anon...