Wednesday, October 4, 2017

And Another Thing..., it has been this way for a couple of days now.

Realizing that I am definitely a Buddhist and not a Buddha, this week.

The absolute last straw moment coming this morning from a toxic family member (estranged for him back into my life five years ago...WTF was I thinking...) And since that day I have bit my tongue at times (and not at times) as he went on his right-wing rants about the damned gays...immigrants who apparently got a job he wanted sometime in life...SSM...n***ers...and more recently the NFL and why the 1st Amendment doesn't apply..copious Trump worship...and today after the Las Vegas tragedy about the damned Liberals who want to take all the guns...ruining this country...2nd Amendment...yada yada yada...

Yeah. I'm DONE.


I tried to live the "life is too short...give him a chance...he is old"

What I learned was

Life really IS too short.

I don't wish him ill-fortune.  And, yet, somehow I think he will find it repeatedly with that attitude any way. But I am removing him from my life for good.

I'm just DONE.

So there is that.

Leaning on our elected officials about Assault Weapons and Modification this week.  I have realized that every time they tell you

"This is NOT the Time to Discuss_______________________ (fill in the blank)"

What they are REALLY saying is

Sit down, Shut the hell up,  and Accept the status quo.

Yeah...I am DONE with all that, too.

Completely Unaccceptable.


More anon...

Now I need a pan of brownies, and to soak in a hot bubble bath for about two hours.