Saturday, May 26, 2018

A Brenden and Grandma Rose Day...and This Week

A nice end to school, promoted to 3rd grade, and beginning of Summer Break as Brenden and I enjoyed our 1:1 You Choose day together yesterday  :)

Beginning with brunch at DQ.

He saved some of his birthday $$ and found these while we were shopping.

and brought me up-to-date with one of his musical interests:  Matty B.

We baked cookies for him to share with everybody at home...and then he put his game face on...

He is learning fast and getting much better about watching the board for move and counter-moves. Bill and I got his Dad- and both of his uncles (Chris and Lennon)- interested in game when they were about his age.

A wonderful Grandma Rose Day.

Played in the border and patio gardens after he left. Finally plated my Flat Italian Parsley finishing out the herb basket...and the Valerian Seeds I was able to get them potted, too. The Catnip and Chamomile are already up.

Going to make some wonderful teas this Fall.

The Mandevilla is covered with blooms and buds.

"Jane" (wisteria) is much happier outside and doing well. Her blooms are now spent and watching for the re-bloom they promised.

The Purple Flag Irises are finished as well.

My Morning Glories are sprouted about an inch and will soon be winding their way up the trellis.

Planted some petunias in the same deep pink as the geranium and my Mandevilla.

Cleaned up the borders and dead-headed the spent Daffodils and Muscari.

Both rose bushes have multiple buds...but no blooms yet.


Already beginning to use the Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, and Basil...and have pinched everything back twice now (to encourage bushiness and new growth)

The sunflower seedlings are up about 3 inches.

Nicole shared a lily before and after shot (her last year...and her this year) and it is amazing...had to share

                                                            (last year)

                                                          (this year)

The amazing shrinking woman! I think she said she is down to a size 10 now...from a 24. It is incredible. So proud of you, hon.  The kids are, too. Brenden told me all excited

"Mommy did a front flip and a backflip on the trampoline the other day!!!"

They notice!

This Week's Book:

Outstanding beginning...drawing you in from the very first page. An exciting reunion of characters from novels past (...although you didn't have to kill off Bill Hodges with cancer, you heartless bastard)

All and all riveting and well written...right up until



King's endings tend to be very good...or uniformly bad.

                                    (think IT)

So I both enjoyed it very much-


and tossed it across the room at the end

"Oh for fuck's sake!!!"

Try it...your experience may vary.

And now...The Movie...

Ready or have had a week to see it...

Dealpool 2

Here goes-

Our favorite Merc with a Mouth is back...and funnier than ever.

From the opening scene when he winds up a music box with Wolverine impaled on the top (Air Supply's- All Out of Love) atop many barrels of fuel...flicking a lit cigarette into the air.

Then taking us back to 6 weeks earlier to explain why he is in the funk he is in.

To the 5 Easter Eggs after the credits.

My favorite one-

Shooting Green Lantern.

"You're Welcome, Canada!"

This is the raunchy, foul mouthed, funniest Deadpool yet!

He doesn't just break the fourth wall...he joins us in the audience with popcorn.

So much going on with Cable, Colossus, Deadpool, Firefist and Juggernaut you will see this over and over...and each time you will pick up on something new!

It took a second viewing for me to pick up on what the Greek Chorus was singing in the background during one of the major fight scenes

"...oh holy shit balls..." (repeatedly in Greek Chorus Style)

Best lines of the film

"Scoutmaster Kevin?" DP

"Fucksomeshitup is my middle name."   Juggernaut

A must see!!!


More Anon...