Sunday, October 7, 2018

This Week...

Loving this Fall weather!

Almost time to settle the daffodils and tulips in for their long winter nap...and still need to add a pumpkin or two.

Completely relaxing today.

Baking a rich carrot cake to frost with cream cheese icing and walnuts. Bacon rendering to put of a kettle of beans with bacon seasoning, cornbread and butter and cole slaw. Sweet tea, of course.

Working a bit on my long neglected Fall Landscape Painting tonight.

Which will eventually be a pumpkin field.

Excited to hear that Jill (Lennon's Bio-Mom) had several of her paintings available on Etsy!

See for yourself.

Very cool!

She does nice work and has a style all her own.

Decorated for Fall.

Sofi and Shelby appear to be some instances even ganging up on

"What did you say her password was again?" ~Sofi

"You have to get on eBay first."  ~Shelby

"I don't remember ordering all these cat treats."  ~Me to the Fed Ex Guy

Nice to see them getting on though.

Finally, even eating breakfast together.

That took a while.

Great week. Well...except for that Confirmation Hearing Thing.

Brunch with Diane early on. I brought her some of the Comb Georgia Wildflower Honey I just bought. She brought me some of her Pumpkin Spiced Cookies with Dried Fruits and Nuts she made and The Recipe!!! Going to try to bake some myself soon. If it works out...I will share it here.

Saw this in the news and thought

Yeah...this would be me.

(...and no..I'm not selling...)

Guy had been using this as a doorstop for years and years.

Turns out it is a Meteorite...and is worth a cool 100,000 dollars.

Who knew, right?

John and I watched the Colts-Pats game on Thursday together

(...and who the hell thought starting a game at 8:30 was a good idea, anyway??? We're old...dammit!) 

Dearest mother — The men have mended their wounds and spirits in short order. They had little choice. We must move out this morning to begin our march to Boston. There, Gen. “Stoneface” Belichick and his band of Patriots await battle. Our unit yearns for another victory. — Andrew

Dearest mother — We have reached the outskirts of Boston. Our unit tracked the Patriot men by the smell of baked beans and their unique — almost always shouting — dialect. Tomorrow night, we battle. For now, I shall take some Squirrel Oil and then target practice. — Andrew

and after the loss

Dearest mother — We were bested by Capt. Brady, the behemoth known simply as Gronk and the rest of the Patriot men. My sidearm was true, my sight tremendous. Largely, we gave as good as we got in the exchange of fire. But, alas, the battle plan fell through. Now, onward. — Andrew

Despite our loss, it was a really good game. Started slow...but heated up during the 3rd and 4th Quarter.

Despite the fact that many of our good players were out with injuries...and we lost two more during the game and were basically playing with a shell of the team.

And mistakes were made.

One touchdown taken back on review.

Two fumbles by Rogers after amazing passes by Luck in the endzone.

( put this in perspective...if they had not taken back the touchdown and Rogers had used Squirrel TAR instead of oil...we would have WON against Brady and The Patriots...with half of our regular team off on the injured list...)

Can't wait to see how we do with everyone intact.

Might be an incredible season.

Speaking of INCREDIBLE..John brought my attention to this player for Kansas this year

                                                Patrick Mahomes

 This 23 year old, 230 pound Quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs is a force of nature and has nowhere to go but up!  Already breaking records and he is a rookie.

He also is proficient at baseball with a 90 mph pitch.

He clocked 62 MPH on his football pass.

But if you want to be really impressed watch this play

When tackled still holding the ball in his right problem...he simply transfers it to his left hand and fires off the pass anyway...just brilliant.

And "No" I have never seen a play like this before, either...

Coaches everywhere must be scribbling furiously in their playbooks.

(...if they start using it...they should name the play after this kid...)

Anxious to watch his progress.

The Colts seem to be progressing as well...despite the 1-4. Obviously Luck has his shoulder back and his passing was phenomenal in the last game.

Maybe it is the Squirrel Oil?

(...yes...these are a thing now...)

Enjoying watching the oldest let his neighbors, co-workers et al try his Carolina Reapers (now ripe)

Including a video of him eating a whole one.

These are literally the hottest peppers in the world. 2,2000,000 SHU

(in comparison Ghost Peppers rank around 1,041,000 SHU)

These burn all the way through.
Evil little things.

For those who dare they have the One Chip Challenge

One Carolina Reaper Chip that comes pre-packaged in a tiny coffin.

(...don't worry about the serving is all you will ever eat...)

if you can even still find them. They are rare now.

I am still thinking eating a fresh whole Reaper is way way hotter than any chip could ever be.

No new movie this week. Modem issues. 

Chris is over later today to help me sort my new Modem...the current one failing a lot now.

(...I may owe Comcast an seems it really wasn't them..but my old equipment...)

The Book

A compilation of Sicilian Investigator Salvo Montalbano's early cases.

This novella comprised of 8 of Cammileri's best short stories.

Read one...lay it down...enjoy a second one later on.

Everything we have come to love about this writer, and his fictional Inspector.

( these early stories you can get a wonderful feel for his character development...especially Fazio...)

Loved it.
If you are a Cammileri fan, you will too!

Chatted with Loretta yesterday. She, having had her second surgery now and doing well. Athough we talk twice a day and write weekly...missing our nearly every other day visits. I wish the Rehab was closer. 

Amber and I are planning a November trek out to see her.

Not much longer John and I anxiously count down the days until our October
"Us Time" 

Overnight at a nearby Inn...and meeting his "Out to Brunch Bunch" the next day at Rick's Boatyard Cafe!

 Sitting just off Eagle Creek the atmosphere is amazing and the food is even better. Best Creme Brulee you will ever taste.

Haven't been here in decades.


Tomorrow we will begin Virtual Queenland, Australia!