Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Those Bastards...Those Insufferable Bastards... you probably already imagined...this is a political rant.

Hide the women and children and avert your eyes.

Better still, close this page, if you are still

1. A Trump Supporter

2. A McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, or Graham Supporter

3. Prefer Alternative Facts to Reality.

So the "investigation" into SCOTUS nominee has started...but very few of the known witness have been questioned...which explains the quotes.

And Mitch (turtleman) McConnell says only the Senate is to see the results of it, anyway...

"No soup for you!!!!!"

In the midst of everything Trump held one of his "stroke my fragile ego" rallies and openly MOCKED sexual assault survivor, Ford.

I don't know what was worse....his actually doing it...or his base behind him on camera laughing and clapping while it was happening.

I felt a bit nauseated.

Many spoke out against the behavior....including a few members of the GOP.

Murkowski, Flake and Collins were appalled.

How appalled were they?

We will see Friday when they put Kavanaugh to confirmation vote on the floor.

Even Lindsey "Mom wanted a girl" Graham spoke out saying he wished Trump had not done it.

Followed closely by Press Secretary (and woman who looks a lot like a cast extra for The Munsters) Sarah Sanders

Who told us that IT NEVER HAPPENED.

"Who ya gonna, or your lying eyes???"

Even though it is on film...taken live while he was mocking her...with audio...and closed caption.

But yeah...whatever.

And FFS...why are we EVEN having this conversation?

Brett "I am ENTITLED to the Supreme Court silly peasants" Kavanaugh.

Imagine this guy...going into anywhere (a goddamn McDonalds even) and shouting at the interviewer for a job. Alternately weeping. Saying he likes beer a lot...and sometimes drinks too many of them...oh and he is wearing this look.

Now imagine he may or may not be involved in several sexual attacks.

And he is spouting partisan phrases.

(...McDonalds is okay...but you know who really has great food...Burger King) Happy Meal Employment for friend.

The fact the GOP is still trying to defend & confirm this Human Excrement

Precisely what I have come to EXPECT from them, sadly.

There is a valid reason behind the insanity, though.

In only 34 days...the Midterms and Big Blue Wave is going to crash through the House and Senate.

Some of them have already decided to just resign and are jumping off the Titanic. (Corker..Flake...I'm looking at you)

Some of them realize that they have very little left to lose...are going to lose, and are determined to get another Conservative confirmed on the Supreme Court...even if he is a LOT dodgy. (Cruz, McConnell)

Some of them are old and arrogant and not up for re-election until 2020 or later.
(Graham, Grassley)

Yes....hanging my hopes on a historically wobbly star and wishing that Flake, Murkowski and Collins will do the right thing...

But not holding my breath.

We will see.

A bright spot in this whole mess...

 This guy.

Beto O' Roarke

(pronounced Beh-toh)

Who has the Willie Nelson Seal of Approval...and is now several points AHEAD of Ted "creepy smile" Cruz.

YES...TEXAS is standing in support of the Progressive candidate.

EVERYBODY loves Beto!

(...and no matter how cool you will never be "sweaty just finished a set hanging with Willie Fucking Nelson" cool...okay?)

Barring any unforeseen Howard Dean Scream day this young man is going to be the POTUS.

You heard it here first.

Remember that.

I know these things.

More as it comes...