Saturday, November 17, 2018

November's Getaway...Matcha...Yoga with Sofi...and Other Stuff

No matter WHAT the calendar says; FALL is over.

John and I, recovering from our mid-week retreat from the world.

What we now call "Our Time".

Enjoying a non-traditional but oh-so-delicious Early Thanksgiving Dinner together at Red Lobster. All things seafood (complete with midnight left overs) and Vanilla Bean Cheesecake & dipping strawberries and bananas in chocolate sauce by candlelight!

We had an amazing waitress and we were all laughing throughout the meal together...yes...we ARE our waitresses entertainment, it seems.  Even procured a couple of the heavy blue mugs for our early morning coffee and chats.

He even managed to find massage oil scented like FIGS.

(yes...after which...we both smelled like giant Fig Newtons...)


Woke to ice and a bit of snow, and bacon...

The best hot breakfast either of us had ever found in a hotel...and bacon...

(...yes...they had us at bacon...)

Making a mental note that we will HAVE to come back here sometime!

It was an Incredible Getaway together!

Returning home to find that the cats had been nearly perfect. Not touching the herbs on the table drying.

 There is enough rosemary, oregano, sage, and thyme to last the winter!
As soon as it is completely dried I will strip all but the sage (and roll or rub that) then fill glass containers for storage.

The Sofi kitten has reached "teenager"

 "Oh hai...UR home early..."

and becoming more adept in Kitty Yoga

Actually, John captured this shot...she has this yoga like position (being tailless) she uses to clean her bottom. When I spoke to her she looked up at me and he snapped the picture.

Boneless Kitty.

Upward-facing Cat ?

Had Brunch and Shopping with Diane on Friday and even the season's first McRibs! She brought me fig jam (which I love) and a set of these

In silver.
Her half is enameled pink and mine in blue.

Her birthday is next week...but we will be celebrating after Thanksgiving. Lennon's is next week as well and my Sister Tina' though the week of Thanksgiving could possibly get any busier!

"Idgy" reported (and video'd) falling snow this week from her shop, as well.

Since we both have "the decorating gene" it is had to resist the urge (Pre-Thanksgiving) to drag out the tinsel and tree and!

My theme this year will be bears, burlap & (bright shiny red) balls.

(tiny white lights, of course)

And yes...I will be waiting until after Thanksgiving...but probably not make it all the way to December 1st, either.

Can't wait to see how she decorates The Shop for Christmas.

My DS group is planning our 2019 Gathering in North Carolina. Still getting all the arrangements sorted and Dave is coming back across The Pond next year to see "...You Lot..."

Since I have been completely seizure free since 2015, I may actually try to hop a plane and attend this one. It would be great to see everyone again and the chair would make travel a much easier possibility!

Fuck FRED.

Tried something entirely new to me, this week.


Mine was brewed into hot green tea.

 Not only does Matcha have the anti-oxidants of 50 cups of regular green tea in each cup (or so they claim) but it has 3x the caffeine making it the perfect morning drink for me.

I feel alert and focused after just one cup.

It is naturally a bit sweet...but I added honey and it worked nicely.

Came home to find I has passed a milestone of sorts with my blog.

Pageviews all time
Even more incredible when you realize I
never track my own pageviews!
The breakdown looks like this:

United States
United Kingdom

Remembering years ago when I marveled at a
UK readership.

Now I'm

 Other new stuff this week I have seen

An updated Version of Goodnight Moon I found hilarious for The Teenage Years!

A stoner version of Twinkies...Dankies. This should go over
huge in Canada now.

 And a Tee-Shirt that both John and I need after this

Also why  MEN should never be entrusted to make Christmas Cookies.

I laughed entirely too long over this...what a brilliant idea!
This Week's Book
An interesting work of non-fiction by this professor of philosophy detailing a trek taken following the footsteps of Friedrich Nietzsche by the author when he was 19...then retaken as an adult with a wife and child as an adult. 
Not riveting. At times rambling and disjointed.
Nietzsche...even about an uplifting a travel companion ( my opinion...) as setting out on The Mother Road with, say, John Steinbeck...who is also deceased.
"...and then everybody the rain...alone..."
I am not a huge fan of Nietzsche.
Your mileage may vary.
I'd give this one a hard pass.
The Movie this Week
 This was as GOOD as Kaag's book was bad.

Chris and Tina saw it at the Imax on Opening night. 

I saw it last night.

A sequel...and you really do need to see the Original Fantastic Beasts to appreciate some of the nuances in this film.

Loved Depp as Grindelwald. Total departure for him...and he pulled the bad guy off really well!

Amazing critters and CGI.

and the return of my favorites: Bowtruckles and Nifflers

 Great story...good ending that will segway into a next film, I'm sure.

A must see for anyone who loves the world of witches and muggles.

Our team emerged victorious last weekend over The Jaguars!!
Dearest mother — Thrice in a row we have achieved victory. I am overcome with joy. The Jungle Cat men dug in their claws, but we were able to hold them off. The sun shines brighter everyday. It feels good. It feels right. I love you. — Andrew

Word has reached me that Titans of industry out of the Ten Sea are headed toward our home camp. They seek battle with the goal of halting our success in recent skirmishes. We shall not have it. There is too much light in the tunnel now. We are poised. — Andrew

Dearest mother — I have received your care package of floured hedgehog thighs and hardened raccoon cakes. Scouts report the Ten Sea Titans inch closer. Our unit continues its preparations in the hope of obtaining yet another victory. The men are sanguine as they ready. — Andrew

 Very hopeful!
Have a wonderful weekend!
More anon...

PS... An Update on the Colts- Titans Game

WE won...we won...we..won...

and We Won Bigly!!!! There is hope (wildcard) that we could make the playoffs after all!

Dearest mother — I am overcome with joy. Our unit was victorious once more. That is now four battles in a row where we have triumphed. Magnificent. My sidearm has never been more true. My resolve is mighty. Fortune smiles — and so do we. I miss you. — Andrew