Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Life List #18: Bolivian Salt Flat- Border Between Heaven and Earth

Saw this recently mentioned and knew I had to experience it...even virtually.

This is something...were I there...would have to set up a fresh canvas and paint. Or do some photography.

It is The World's Largest Salt Flat. Once a vast inland salt lake.

The Salar De Uyuni 

It sits nearly 12000 feet above sea level now and is over 4000 square miles. The mirror effect occurs in the rainy season. (January-April)



During the dry season

And at night with the Milky Way.

Nothing short of Spectacular!

I have experienced the salt flats in Nevada (which are incredible)...but nothing like this before.

Now I've seen it...and so have you!

More Anon...