Sunday, May 19, 2019

Storm's Comin'...and Awaiting the End of G.O.T. is kind of like this...

I've been watching the build-up since yesterday out through Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas...and inching our way.

Made (and am fixing) food that requires no further heating in case we lose power.

Soon to enjoy a hot bath and pull out candles, just in case.

Watching our wind pick up and the gray skies getting even more ominous.

They are predicting high winds, rains, large hail, possible tornadoes, power outtages...hell, probably locusts, boils and frogs...

The first of our Spring Storms.

And here I am, over here, literally thinking-

As long as it gets sorted by 9 PM when the LAST EPISODE of Game of Thrones starts...

(...I know...priorities...right?)

Don't judge. I've been invested in this Series for 8 years, okay?

Will see everyone tomorrow...after the conclusion!

More Anon.

                              Who I would like to see get the