Saturday, June 15, 2019

Rainy Garden Saturday...Mall-Ratting...a Haircut...and Rocketman

Woke to rumbling thunder, pattering rain and Sofi...who had velcro'd herself to my side.

"Maybe we'll just sleep in!"

And why does it look like SE Asia outside my door?

The patio garden couldn't be happier with the deluge of rain.

And the gardener, likewise.

No watering this weekend!

Sofi...not quite so enthusiastic.

"Oh, HELL no..."
                       ~ Sofi

"Maybe we can just stay inside today, okay?" 

We have been engaged in FETCH for a half-hour, now.

I'm telling is endless!

Great week.

Diane and Brenda and I- did some midweek mall-ratting.

Beginning with Starbucks and Cheese Danishes...onward to Yankee Candles to check out Summer Scents...and Bath and Body.

Found the BEST chocolate layer cake scented candle...only when I burn it I must fix brownies, now.

Love Bath and Body's Old Rose scent...although I settled on EVERYTHING in Wild Strawberry (Soap, Lotion, Body Spray and Bath Gel) and it is very nice.

Finished with Philly Cheesesteaks and Fries...and a bit of Ice Cream.

It was a wonderful "Girls Day Out"

And I made a HUGE decision (...well...huge for me...) while we were there.

I am tired of having around 3 feet of hair. 

I never wear it loose anymore.

It lays in the tub water when I take a bubble bath.

It takes hours to dry.

It is difficult for me to care for these days.

I can't style it- beyond wraps or braids.

Bottom line...soon...I am donating about 2 feet to Locks of Love and getting the rest (a little longer than shoulder length not short...but short for me...) blunt cut and styled...then maybe some color before Fall.

I love that Salted Caramel look.

And I am tired of the gray slipping in.

So...there is that.

Wish me luck!

It will be nice to wear it loose again!

This Week's Book:

This is the author/editor's first book.

Her essay and 14 others dedicated solely to Mother-Daughter Relationships.

Amazing first effort. 

Well written/edited.

From the some instances some just gut wrenching.

If you had a Rockwellesque relationship with your Mom...this isn't the book for you. For the rest of will nod, laugh, cry as you navigate these 15 stories of survival. 

Excellent read!

This Week's Movie:

I have literally waited YEARS for them to finish, and release this film.

And I was NOT disappointed. 

Part Musical...Part Autobiography...A lot of Read Between the Lines...and  Definitely Therapy.

Beautiful...Harsh (...nothing is glossed over here...) and sometimes so very very sad.

Really explains Elton John's life...even down to the flamboyance of the earlier years.

By the end...he finds peace...and so do we.

If you are an Elton John fan (or even just love his music)...this is a must see.

Taking a rainy Cinderella Day...dust, vacuum, mop, launder and such.

Have a turkey to roast for Sunday.

The Sofi-Cat will be so pleased.

Have a wonderful weekend.

More Anon...

Gizzy being oh-so-photogenic...

Addendum:  It is done!

And I have 22 inches less hair.
(...almost a half pound...)

Took 3 times picking up the hair scissors before I found the nerve to just cut between the bands. Some chemo kid is going to get a slightly greying wig.


Getting ready to style it...and so damned glad to be rid of that (every day) pony tail!