Friday, September 13, 2019

Vitual AT: Kay Wood Shelter to The Vermont State Line

"Beans, here...let's finish (virtual) Massachusetts!"

Woke to 55 degrees...the White Blaze App says it is 35 degrees in New Hampshire and our high today is only going to be 65.

"Chef" a fellow thru-hiker and foodie (such as myself) showed me a wonderful way to elevate the last of my fresh apples to fine dining for breakfast. A sprinkle of cinnamon and a handful of granulated sugar in my pot...a handful of pecans stirred in until the sugar melts and they become spiced pecans. The last apple cut up...topped with warmed caramel and the spiced pecans.

Okay...clean up was a bitch...but it was sooooooooooo worth it.

When I restock supplies again must get some warmer soup and stew meals.
We haven't even hit the real cold of New Hampshire, and Maine and I'm already saying "UNCLE".

(...thank goodness this is virtual...)

Let's FINISH this State!!!

We are at 1563 miles on the Appalachian Trail!

(...I think we're going to do this...)

Two...count'em...2 SOBO trickled in late last night.  Goggle eyed and grateful for the warmth of our fire. They said it was in the mid-forties in Vermont most of the day...I'm really hoping that was a fluke.

Down Grange Hall Road

Past CSX Railroad.

Yeah...whenever you see one of these...

Now you know where it came from.

Across  MASS 8 and MASS 9 to Gulf Road.

Then the Crystal Mountain Campsites

By Gore Pond

Which appears to be not much more than a beaver pond in the midst of nowhere.

Still the beavers were fun to watch.

You had to admire all their hard work.

And the heavy slap of their flat tails on the water alerting everyone when you got a little too close for comfort.

Onward to The Cobbles

(...which might have been more aptly named YOU'LL BREAK YOUR ANKLE...)

The view from the Cheshire Cobbles

The rest of them

See what I mean!

Back down to Church Street by the Hoosic River where we have rediscovered civilization...

And another quaint New England Town

Like England's ABC (...another bloody castle..) these dot the countryside throughout the upper East Coast.

At the trailhead is a Hiker's Kiosk.

These information boards are usually located at the beginning of Sections and have pertinent information to trail conditions as well as a map. They are also  used to leave messages by hikes to hikers.

Past the Mark Nopel Shelter

On the South Side of Mount Greylock...then  up to the top...

View from The Top 

The War Memorial

Hiking with Redbeard to Mount Greylock and the Memorial

Down Jones Nose Trail

 Across Notch Road

To Wilbur Clearing Shelter

Across MASS 2 and past the Sherman Brook Primitive Campsite

(...look Ma...I'm a bagworm!!!!)

Up Pine Cobble Trail

The Pine Cobble Summit Run

( even hell no...)

Stopping for a moment to take in Eph's Lookout.

Overlooking...yes...another quaint New England Town where we will be staying!

The Long Trail and the Appalachian Trail run as one for a while!
We've made it to Vermont!!!

We are 1594 miles in.

It is 56 degrees here. 

Drifting into town, taking a couple of Zero Days, and restocking supplies.

Then begin Vermont on Monday!

Have a great ZERO weekend.

