Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bodhi 2019...A Coastal Christmas...Sofi and Gadget...and "Love is..."

It's beginning to look a lot like Florida, maybe...

"Missing starfish? I don't know anything about a missing starfish, Mom, but your seafood is definitely stale.   ~Sofi

It is getting there.

Started the week with silent reflection for Bodhi. 

Then everything grinding to a screeching halt because despite hand-bac and avoiding touching things (and obsessivly hand-washing) I still somehow caught "The Cold From Hell"

Compacted by the fact that way over on the other side of the state, practically, John has much the same. 

We postponed his birthday celebration until next week.

And keep in touch by phone, IM, and email where life isn't so germy, right now.

Best guy ever though...

You know how you open the door and get flowers, sometimes?

The other day there was a knock at the door, and when I opened it there was this diminutive twenty-somethingish girl with some grocery bags.

"I'm must have the wrong apartment."

"You're Carla...right?"


"John sent these to you via Instacart...and said to 
Get Well Soon..."

In the bags were Kleenex...Soups...Sprite...Crackers...Paper Towel and Toilet Paper...bottled water, a package of Sofi's favorite treats...and a small container of Hagen Daz Vanilla Ice Cream.

That is LOVE, people.
Trust me. 

( you too, guy...)

( an aside I am thrilled to learn about Instacart and have set up my own account, the middle of Winter this could be invaluable...)

Check it out youself

To your door grocery or pharmacy delivery...same day...often within 2 hours.

Today the fever has abated although the sneezing and coughing still persist. I must be getting better...because the mess is starting to get on my

Yeah...sitting here surrounded by piles of used tissue...empty
Sprite bottles...crumpled cracker cellophane and crumbs...and the other detritus of being sick for several days.

The sink full of bowls and soup spoons.

A laundry bag full of wash that needs done.

And filthy bed-head hair.'s time to pull it together.

And to be thankful neither of us SKYPE or FACETIME.

John is also far his fever is down (highest was 103.) and sore ribs from coughing, but he is hungry again for real food.

I'm just not there yet.

Saving the Hagen Daz for when I am.

Sofi and Gadget have been furry little nurse-maids...sticking close by us.

"Feel Better, Dad...I love you."

"You can't die...who is going to fill my food dish!!!!"
" Er...I mean...Get Well, Mom."

Yeah...Sofi isn't the sentimental-type, okay? This cold has seriously interfered with her comfortable, on time, little life.

And she is about THROUGH with it.

So aside from finishing the Virtual Kokoda Trail...and watching part of the Impeachment Hearings...what does one do besides read, nap, and stay hydrated and blow one's nose repeatedly???

Watch old Christmas Movies, of course.

In no particular order...

I've watched the (original) Grinch steal Christmas.

Charlie Brown and his friends and the tiny Christmas Tree that i love!

Jack and Sally botch Halloween and Christmas but find one another.

Ralphie not "Shoot his Eye Out"

Hans fall from Nakatomi Tower,

and more to come.

This Week's Book

Just a Cookbook with assorted Christmas Cookies...that maybe I will try baking someday before Christmas (...but not today).

And a surprise from Lisa (library) that she has snagged the hardcopy of Joe Hill's Full Throttle and Jill (Outreach) will be bringing it to me next week!!!!


Chris is near finals for Cybersecurity...and holding a 4.0.

He is excite about the up and coming Spring Classes and soon graduation!

Loved seeing pictures of Nicole and the Puppies (Arya and Thanos) who definitely aren't puppies anymore!

And James...

Looking forward to our Saturday After Christmas together!

Now...I've got to get on the ball and do something with this house.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!