Monday, April 20, 2020

Virtual Islands: Mingulay

The second largest island in the Bishop (Barra Isles) just off the coastline of Scotland...and the 9th Island of our Virtual Adventure.

Let's go...

Mingulay by Drone

Mingulay...even the name sounds exotic.

The island, once habitated, is now abandoned. Only the stone ruins of the homes tell us that there were EVER people here.

  Most of its residents wipe out by the plague. The last 2 leaving in 1912, and it has remained so since.

Including the old school-house.

Also the ruins of an ancient cemetery

and three large sea stacks off the island known as 

The Outer Hebrides

The island is populated with wild sheep
presumabably ancestors of those left
behind when it was abandoned,
rabbits and thousands of various species
of sea birds.

(...dawn breaks...the common thread on these isles has been birds...)

Obviously, our Lovegrove was a "birder"

A favorite tourist spot now with naturalists 
and rock climbers.


Possibly even HELL NO!

Climbing on Mingulay

Mingulay Boat Song

Because, yes, apparently the Scottish
really do write a song 
about everything.

Next up

Pico in the Azores