Friday, September 11, 2020

A Cup Full of Politics...or WTAF???

You've probably noticed that I haven't bothered with



I had come to terms that

A. Grifters and Cons are gonna grift and con.

B. Most of the GOP in office are complicit...and don't care about us...or much of anything beyond their own stockmarket numbers.

C. 38% of Trump's Base wouldn't change who they are supporting if the man was on the WH lawn stomping baby ducks, kittens, or puppies.

I had taken a deep breath and deemed him stupid and irrelevant, only 53 days from the election.

Soon Biden and Kamala would be taking office...decency would be restored and Trump would fade into obscurity, prison, or a non-extradition country.

That was before yesterday.


To be completely honest...the whole business was jarring.

I am still a bit shocked. 

It seems that Trump gave 18 taped interviews with Bob Woodward.

Yes, THAT Bob Woodward.

Bob "I helped take down fucking Nixon" Woodward.

And the released tapes are shocking.


I had always given him the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe even believed that
his rhetoric concerning Covid-19 was the result of stupidity. Just not realizing how deadly it was, as he told America it was "the sniffles", "a HOAX" or "Just the flu".

But the son-of-a-bitch knew.

Since February.

And he downplayed it.

Said it would disappear.

Mocked wearing a mask.

And he KNEW.

KNEW it was deadly...more deadly than the strongest flu...airborne...not a hoax or the sniffles.

Over 190,000 Americans dead now.

That he knew all along, somehow, makes it worse.

Yesterday, the audio was on airwaves everywhere. 

It takes something huge to disrupt the earlier news of how he called our Military men and woman "Suckers" and the dead and/or captured "Losers"...but THIS did it.

He fucking knew.

And last night he held one of his rallies just the same...and his maskless, packed like sardines, supporters came.

They came just the same.

A reporter (masked) on the ground asked several why...after the earlier reveal in his own words...his own voice...why wouldn't they at least have masks on???

"Covid is a isn't real."

"If I die...I die..."

"Jesus will take care of me."

"It muffles your voice and makes it hard to hear."

There you have it.

And now I have better understanding why he

"...loves the poorly educated..."

Be smarter than this, people.

Don't die for a conman, who wouldn't cross the street to piss on you, if you were in flames.

(...and if I were a Trump Supporter...I'd be mad as hell at being duped and having my health jeopardized....)