Saturday, December 5, 2020

December...Christmas is Coming...And An Old Fashion Tree



Only 20 days until Christmas!!!!

And we have had our first tiny taste of snow...with more on the way.

Just a rooftop dusting.

John sent decorations seen in his neighborhood already.

and Sofi and I have been decking the halls, here.

The Old Fashion Tree made even better with THESE...

Something I thought  would never see again in my lifetime. 

Real Lead Icicles!!!

New old stock from the early 60's...from Germany.

Those silver plastic things have nothing when compared to real foil cut lead icicles...and the coldness and weight as you fling them at the tree.

"...what's a little brain-damage among friends...right???"

Relax. Not handling them a lot...and once the season is over they will be snugged back in their package (probably forever) but for this year...there will be icicles.

 Sofi is mesmerized by the tree...and gazes at it for hours.


"It is just sooooo pretty, Mom."

Amber finished scrubbing the carpet for winter on Monday...and we have been baking, decorating and making Christmas Lists/Doing the cards/et al for a week.

And collecting ideas and memes from friends.



Invisible Tree...

What a great idea...I love this!!! maybe some of my friends are a little deranged.

And enjoying Christmas Movies.

This Week's Movie

A sequel to the first- with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn as Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Some of the original cast members...a few new ones...a delightful tale and the ELVES, of course. 

A family friendly film with a real feel good ending!

A holiday must-see.

Chris over a couple of times this week...once bearing pizza! Excited about his eight weeks over soon and a little break before January.

Catching up with Lennon who is loving the birthday video game!

And James and Family...and getting ready to mail everyone's Christmas Boxes.

Christmas in the Time of Covid...definitely an adjustment...after seeing the spikes, John and I leaving the frozen duck frozen until mid-January...we will celebrate his birthday and Christmas mid-January, and hopefully Covid-Free.

Excited about the vaccine news...and hopeful by next Thanksgiving things can get back to something resembling normal.

Because THIS sure isn't.

 And the experts are expecting the worst is yet to come when the hospitalizations and death-rate catches up with the recent new cases. 

Make no mistake....we are living through The Plague of our lifetimes.

Stay Safe.

Stay Alive.

And it is eye-opening how many people during a pandemic refuse to acknowledge it/take it seriously.

I am sure during the Bubonic Plague in  the 14th Century or the Spanish Influenza of 1918, people were exactly like this.

No wonder there are so many deaths.

An update on Our Duck at the lake.

Now taken home by a member of The Conservancy to over-winter.

Not sure if she will be brought back to the lakes in Spring.

Hope so!

I'm sure she is missing her flock...and they are missing her. Especially the little Mallard drake that teamed up with her all summer.

Blueberry muffins baking and a fir scented candle burning...and looking forward to football on Sunday!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!