Friday, January 8, 2021

Coup Attempt... isn't a scene out of the next Season of Walking Dead...but the beginning of the January 6th 

"MAGA Decides to Storm the Capitol Building".

Which at first seemed kind of surrealistic.

Walls and doors broken...and herds of people wandering aimlessly around...posing for selfies...with selfie sticks...stealing and destroying things...


Soon it would get much darker.

Pipe-bombs, Maltov Cocktails and Weapons found...and in the midst of the chaos and mace and teargas...a woman shot in the throat/chest...who died. And several other insurgents who would die. And one Capitol Officer whose head was bashed in by a fire extinguisher.

And huddled together beneath seats Congressmen and women...and Secret Service agents with weapons drawn...and the VP.,

A few of the rioters carried armloads of zipties.

So, whereas some of the MAGA were just clueless...and Buffalo-Boy  and several others looked more like they belonged at GenCon doing cos-play than in an attempt to overthrow our democracy...and sweet sweet dear little Elizabeth who we got to see over and over...tears and snot running down her face.

"They pushed me back out the door and they maced me in the face!!!"

Who knew revolutions could be

Some moved through the chaotic cover of the MAGA crowd quite purposefully. And not in a good way.

In America we sat glued to our window to the world (TV and newsfeeds) wondering WTH???

When the smoke cleared...democracy still stood...maybe a bit tattered and tarnished...but, for now, we have beaten back those who would destroy this Republic. 

The FBI is sparing no expense and people will be brought to at a time...even seditious Congressmen, Presidents & Lawyers.

Many of the MAGA who were smashing and grabbing...or posing in ram-sacked offices honestly seem to have no clue as to the trouble and prison time they are now facing. Felonies.

Some otherwise respectable people have returned home to learn their jobs as a lawyer, or teacher or tech guy are now over and the FBI wants to chat with them.

Maybe even sobbing maced Elizabeth,who just wanted to be

"Part of the Revolution."

 Calls for the 25th Amendment and/or Impeachment and Removal.

Calls for multiple resignations...and there have already been quite a few.

Calls for investigation into some of the Capitol Police...who seemed to be aiding the coup.

Personally, this seemed to a a dry run for a much larger operation later...we need to stay vigilant.