Monday, August 9, 2021

Virtual Africa: Great Lakes...Lake Victoria


Like North America has Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron and Lake Erie...the continent of Africa has its own Great Lakes.

Although there are only 3, they cover ten countries.

Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika...and our adventure today...Lake Victoria.


Covering over 23,000 square miles it is the largest tropical lake and the second largest freshwater lake in the world. It has a maximum depth of 276 feet.

The basin of the Nile River flows here.

It is one of only 3 lakes in Africa where Cichlids are found.


Victoria supports a healthy fishing industry.

Some of the fish from Lake Victoria

Nile Perch


and Tilapia

Lake Victoria is so large that it spawns its own climate at night and results in many dangerous thunderstorms.

The Lake is also a major mode of transport between the countries of Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya.

Crossing Victoria

The Nile Source at Lake Victoria

Fishing Lake Victoria at Night

 I hope you have enjoyed today's adventure.

Next time we will explore Kenya.

Until then...