Monday, September 13, 2021

Colts -vs- Sea Hawks & Chiefs -vs- Browns...A Post-Sunday Update


How it Started...

How it Wentz...

With the addition of a 300 pound Sea Hawk crushing him near the endzone.

(...that's gonna leave a mark...)

Honestly...they are going to have to protect him better...or he'll be DEAD by game 4.

Despite being sacked 3 or 4 times...he did look good out there. 

The Sea Hawks just outplayed us.

And so we start the regular season with 0-1     

Afterwards another game was brewing.

How it started...

How it ended...

An incredible game! It came down to the last 2 minutes in the 4th...could have went either way.

Last night it went to The Chiefs! Yay...Mahomes!!!

Both teams looking very good...but Mahomes did his magic during the second half to close a ten point gap...and the rest is in the books.

1-0 for the Season start!

And...Football might be fattening...just saying...from a breakfast of Raspberry pie...and a lunch of dogs and chips and french onion a huge bowl of probably the best chili I have ever made in my life...

(...started with fresh peppers...onions...trimmings of venison steak...dark red kidney beans...chili powder and cheese...then let all the flavors meld overnight on Saturday...adding butterfly pasta before serving on Sunday..)

It was amazing.

French bread with real butter on the side...and,of course, another wedge of Raspberry Pie with milk before the game was over.

Yes...Football Sundays may be fattening.

Finished off the pie with coffee this morning- and atoning with salad later, I think.

Planning for NEXT Sunday, already.

Colts at 1

Buccs at 4-ish

Chiefs at 8:20

Football may kill me!