Saturday, October 2, 2021



It is 5 AM.

I have been awake since three.

I finally gave up and started the day. 

There will be a nap later.

Today, I am reminded of a scene from School of Life with Ryan Reynolds playing Mr. D. He asks his class on their first day how much time they have left. When all eyes immediately turn to the clock on the wall, he sagely tells them they won't find the answer there.

The answer, you see, is

"Not a lot."

From elation and tears of, happiness and depression and great sadness. 

(...the latter being why I am up at this hour...)

Her name was Deanne...but we all knew her as Sparkles...because she did.

During the past few weeks, her COPD had gotten worse and worse. Insidiously, the low oxygen levels were shutting down her internal organs. By the time she realized how bad she had gotten and made her way to an ER...she died shortly after arriving.

Deanne (left) with our friend Ann (from Brooklyn) at the Pennsylvania DS Gathering.

A straight talking Southern Girl from New Orleans.

"Lawd, was that baby ever ugly...bless its heart."

Older than a lot of us, myself included, but perpetually 25 inside. 

Although we all met through DS (Daily Strength) after losing our spouses...she and Ann would form a tight bond.

Paula...also living in Louisiana...may have lived closer in proximity...but she and Ann had (among other things) the fact they were both caring for their elderly mothers.

Both mothers are still alive.

During the past decade we shared details...thoughts...feelings...tears of despair and joy...deaths of friends or family and births.

Like Diane always said:

"We are just sisters, from different misters."

or in the case of Jeff, Sal, Loren, Dave, Hector, and Mark

"Brothers from different mothers."

Deanne's nickname was Sparkles...because of the way she could light up a room with her chat and smile.

I called her "Shelf Elf" after an evening sitting with everyone at Carol's

(...there were 102 of us...)

when Sal (Diane's Sal) casually mentioned she looked like an elf that night...and he just wanted to pick her up and sit her on the wall-shelf.

She was diminutive...with a laugh that tinkled like a fairy.

Only a few years back she had found love again...remarried...and was as happy as I had ever seen her.

We will all miss her so much.


From wonderful news...the doctor letting my good friend, Brenda, know that after reviewing tests and MRI's and such- that a return of her cancer is ruled out...and a referral to a neurologist who is fairly sure she has residual neurological damage from the bout with Covid earlier...and thinks it is responsible for the numerous falls...scheduling with a neurosurgeon who says there is a device that can be implanted in her back to stimulate the muscles in her leg that does not respond intermittently. 

To a mid-week impromptu visit and lunch at Marvin's with John.

(GBC's alfresco on the balcony...does it get much better than that???)

and so many many many much needed hugs...

Looking forward to our Fall Getaway!


And both of us reflecting on how many friends we have lost to death in the past decade...and how many are suffering from heath issues now.

Some neighbors.

Some mutual friends.

Reynolds was spot on about the time...

"Not a lot."

Not nearly enough.

No new book this week.

The Friday Night Movie

 An action packed assassin movie with Samuel Jackson, Michael Keaton and Maggie Q.

Jackson saves Maggie and gets her out of Vietnam as a child...she becomes his Protege and he is like a second father to her.

The dynamics between Keaton and Maggie's character make this film.

Very entertaining.

Nice ending.

Going to try for a few more hours sleep now...a Cinderella Day awaits...and tomorrow there will be football and food!

A must watch game...The Buccs (and Brady) play his old team (The Patriots) at 8:20.

Should be interesting!

More Anon...



Yes...we watched The Game.

Yes...Brady won...but overall the whole business was way over-hyped.

The Buccs won by 2 points...Jones was a worthy opponent and a good replacement on the team. 

Maybe this gave everyone a bit of closure.

Now I need coffee!!!