Saturday, January 28, 2023

The End of Christmas...Final Four...Newest Grisham Novel and The Whale


Beautiful fresh snowfall this week, and John and I finally were able to enjoy a bit of Christmas together!

We exchanged gifts...had Chinese...snuggled and played with the Sofi-Cat...and made plans for our Superbowl/Valentines Getaway...

And now Christmas is OFFICIALLY over.

...after stretching on for almost another month...with he and Diane and my sisters...

Yeah...the tree is getting undecked well as the halls.

Looking forward to FOOTBALL tomorrow!

 And now there are 4.

The Niners

The Eagles

The Chiefs.

The Bengals

It's going to be an amazing playoff Sunday!

And although Kansas is technically "My Team" I will be pretty happy with any of the combinations possible for the SB, this year.

They're all outstanding!

Started the latest John Grisham offering 

and only eight chapters in so far.

...if you are a Grisham Fan, you already know that this is barely enough for him to have developed the setting and started acquainting us with the when I'm finished...

Thusfar, very engaging.

Finally got to see The Whale


If you only see one film this year...make sure it is this one!

And bring tissues.

This is a masterpiece.

One of Fraser's best roles and Oscar-worthy.

Ditto with Hong Chau as his caretaker.

Sade Sink is amazing and credible as his angry as hell estranged daughter...and her character is thoroughly unlikable.

The prosthetics to transform him to a 650+ CGI incredible.

Frankly, I did not expected to see much more than a shapeless sweatshirt...and when they did shirtless transfer scenes it made me gasp.

The makeup artists responsible for his transformation should receive awards, too.

Such reality.

The binge scenes were extremely hard to were the scenes of his badly emotionally damaged daughter lashing out at him as he tried to reconnect with her.

This deserves any and all awards it is given.

Definitely a 10. 

Now to get my Cinderella Day started tomorrow can be all about and food!

Have a Great Weekend!



Sunday Updates: we are...on the edge of game time.

Decided to get Taco Bell's Game Box delivered...omg...a Burrito Supreme...2 hard-shell tacos...a Mexican pizza...a bag of cinnamon and sugar Churros...and a Pepsi that is large enough to bathe in!!!!

I'm set. 

More as it comes...

And then there were two...and it will be an Eagles/Chiefs Superbowl!!!!!
