Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Virtual SA: Mexico....Mayan Chichen Itza Ruins


Opened the news this morning to learn that four American travelers in Mexico were kidnapped at gunpoint on the way for a minor cosmetic surgery...and are STILL missing.

Another plus of virtual travel...no one forcing you into a truck at gunpoint.

You're all welcome.

Anyway...here we are.

The Mayans constructed this pyramid and the surrounding city between 600-900 AD and it remained bustling and a focal point until roughly 1200 AD.

The Mayan name means "At the mouth of the Itza well"...and is pronounced Chet-chen  Utzah.

National Geographic 360



 Drone Footage


Full Tour


I hope you've enjoyed this tour of Chichen Itzu and next time we will try Mayan Hot Chocolate!

Until then...

Update: Two of the four kidnapping victims were found dead...one more is shot and the fourth uninjured.

They are back in the US and Mexico is currently holding/incarcerated the five cartel members responsible.