Monday, July 29, 2024

The End of July...Lachlan is 2 Months Old...Summer Adventure...Decade of Politics in One Week...And Bears

Here it is...

The end of July.

Lachlan turns two months old tomorrow!

He smiles, now...and likes to growl at Dad while gumming on his finger.

And he snores!

John and I just returned home after our Summer Adventure...including (new to me) a trip to Cheddar's.  How have I never been to one of these???

Amazing place...lovely decor....perfect service and ohmigod the food!!!!

Next time we will dine al fresco by the waterfall, honey!

Planning our August Getaway together..and going to see the new Deadpool/Wolverine.

And politics...

Anyone else suffering from whiplash from the past week?


On Sunday, President Biden informed us he would not be accepting the nomination...and we were all


Then Monday, Kamala decided to toss her hat into the ring and we were



Now she has been endorsed by...well...pretty much everyone and has already secured the delegates for nomination and we are awestruck!!!

...last count over 200 million in funds...

I think we've got this.


I haven't seen an outpouring of support across party lines like this since Obama!!!

On the 7th she announced her choice for VP...but all of the short list looks good and bring their special something to the table.

I'd like to see Mayor Pete...but any of them are outstanding.

And the salmon...and bears have taken over The Falls!

With always fun to watch Scuba Steve (#27) back with his flying leap fishing style.

And Grazer's cubs...

Which have been dubbed Biggie (the female) and Smalls (The tiny male...who I call Itty Bitty)

And most of the cubs this year are 1.5 to 3 years old...these two are the only tiny Spring Cubs seen at The Falls, this year so far.

Creating a panic when live on camera the littlest floated right over the falls and directly into Chunk (#32) who has been flaunting his dominance all summer.

It was horrific.

Grazer immediately dove off the falls and onto mouth...teeth bared and claws flying.

Chunk had the cub in his mouth and was shaking it.

He immediately dropped it...and it floated downstream injured.

Mother Grazer was pissed.

So pissed off that she kicked his ass...turned around and beat the hell out of him again!

...poor Chunk is an absolute mess today...torn up...

Then she ran downstream and caught up with the tiny screaming injured cub.

It appears he bit him through at least one of his shoulder blades.

To be honest, I fully anticipated Itty Bitty not to survive the night.

He seemed shocky and laid on his side motionless.

But it seems the little guy is scrappy and wants to survive. Unable to use his front legs today...a situation which may resolve itself as he heals...he is walking around human-like on his hind legs...nursing...down to the has been amazing.

I cried when I saw he had made it through the night.

So now...we wait.

It has been a week!


Carla and Tux



Sunday, July 14, 2024

Kayleb is 19....Bearworld...Trump...and More



We have a Chinese Bunch scheduled soon!

He is healthy, happy and working hard.

Seeing some muscle mass definition from the testosterone treatments and transitioning well.

Spending mornings with the bear folk.

Salmon are running in large numbers, and most of bears are getting fat and happy.

Last year we had an explosion of Spring cubs. This year (so far) there are only 2. Grazer's.

Needless to say, the paparazzi is photographing these two endlessly.

From playing "bitey-face" to the larger of the two grabbing a whole fish from Mom, and climbing up the nearest tree, as Grazer and the smaller cub complained below.

Chunk (#32) has been testing his authority with....well everyone. Trying to move up in the hierarchy and basically...getting nowhere. But it is fun to watch.

Ran over while 747 was sleeping and bit him in the ass.

747 immediately woke...cuffed him soundly...towered over him standing on his back legs

"We're NOT going to do that again, are we???"

747, 856 and 151 Walker seem to be on equal terms currently...this will change as the season progresses.

Chunk has attempted to bluff-charge each of them, to no avail.

Afterward the larger boars look at him. like

"Seriously, Dude???"

Chunk had been stalking one of the sub-females (101) pretty much smitten when 747 took dominance a step further and came between them, sweeping her away...and mating with her.

Talk about being cock-blocked.

Poor Chunk.

Colbert (#747) is an absolute unit already!

Check out those claws.

The Beadies (#109 jr. and both 110's) have taken over the lip of the falls to fish.

And no...Otis has STILL not shown up.

And so we wait.

Yesterday during a Trump Rally something unexpected happened.

An assassination attempt.

By a member of his own party.

Very lucky for him, as he was injured but not killed.

Not so lucky for the guy behind him who took the bullet intended for Trump and died.

Not so lucky for the shooter...killed instantly by SS.

And two other attendees are currently shot and in critical condition.

The horrible rhetoric must stop.

Even me, a never-trumper, wants him to go away...but I don't want him dead, okay???

Waiting for Stephen King's and Dr. Fauci's newest books to arrive and enjoying the sun shine after all the rain.


Carla and Tux

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Grazer has returned!!!


with tiny twin brown nuggets!!!!!


...a small rant....



OMFG!!! Let me get through this election without stroking out...or killing someone.

Yes. I watched the debate...all excruciating 90 minutes of it.

It was bad.

Biden had a bad night.

He was exhausted...had a cold...and had a bad night.

Biden had one bad night...and although he rallied in the middle...and despite all the good he has accomplished in the last 3.5 years...

It is ALL the MSM has talked about since that night.

Not the Wisconsin rally...which was brilliant.

Not the CBS interview where he was literally asked the same question in ten different formats (...until it was like being interviewed by Rainman...)

"...but how long until Wapner???""

And it isn't bad enough that the GOP is asking him to drop out.

...of course THEY are...

But now there are 5 of our own party who have jumped on the band wagon.

They aren't well known names...and Biden made it clear he is going to stay and win...but I am angry!!!

This position is literally ours to lose.

We are poised to win with possibly one of the best, and most productive, Presidents of my lifetime...and a handful of you are clamoring to switch horses mid-stream...with 4 months until the election.

Have you lost your fucking minds????

And TRUMP...

Goddamn Trump.

Convicted of Fraud.

Convicted of Sexual Assault.

A 34x Convicted Felon.

Up on charges of inciting an insurrection...fake electors...obstruction of an election...stealing classified documents... 

And don't even get me started about Project 2025...look it up for yourselves.

...or the fact that he and Epstein were charged in the rape of a 13 year old child...a virgin...only to have the charged dropped when her family was threatened repeatedly...

And the MSM is all

"Biden is Too Old"


If they convince him to drop out at this point...we WILL have 4 more years of TFG.

And everyone who is associated with it...will DESERVE it.



I'm still Ridin' with Biden! 


Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th

Or as, Dave, my Brumie friend always reminds me...

And a wonderful 4th it is, already.

Started the day with a nice sleep-in...a chat with John and a sugar-frosted raspberry filled doughnut with coffee!

The rain has cleared for a while and I have roast BBQ pork, macaroni and cheese, corn on the cob and watermelon.. .a long bubble bath and nap...a good book...and (hopefully if the weather holds) fireworks, tonight!

Chatted with the bear folk this morning and slowly The Usual Suspects are are the salmon.

#32 (Chunk) seems to be rising in the hierarchy this year and has stared down 747 and 856. He may be coming into his own.

Both 910's and last year's foster 909jr have appeared.

As well as Bucky, 89, Gully and Scuba Steve (who still fishes with the running full-body leap).

We are all waiting for the arrival of Grazer...who may have Spring cub/cubs this year (thanks to 89).

And, as always, we wait for Otis' arrival.

Being the oldest documented bear at Brook Falls...we hold our breath until he is back in The Office where he likes to fish...knowing full-well that there will soon come a time when he doesn't appear at all...and the reign of King Otis will be over.

Hopefully not this year, though.

Enjoy and have a lovely food and firework filled Fourth!


Carla and Tux