Sunday, July 14, 2024

Kayleb is 19....Bearworld...Trump...and More



We have a Chinese Bunch scheduled soon!

He is healthy, happy and working hard.

Seeing some muscle mass definition from the testosterone treatments and transitioning well.

Spending mornings with the bear folk.

Salmon are running in large numbers, and most of bears are getting fat and happy.

Last year we had an explosion of Spring cubs. This year (so far) there are only 2. Grazer's.

Needless to say, the paparazzi is photographing these two endlessly.

From playing "bitey-face" to the larger of the two grabbing a whole fish from Mom, and climbing up the nearest tree, as Grazer and the smaller cub complained below.

Chunk (#32) has been testing his authority with....well everyone. Trying to move up in the hierarchy and basically...getting nowhere. But it is fun to watch.

Ran over while 747 was sleeping and bit him in the ass.

747 immediately woke...cuffed him soundly...towered over him standing on his back legs

"We're NOT going to do that again, are we???"

747, 856 and 151 Walker seem to be on equal terms currently...this will change as the season progresses.

Chunk has attempted to bluff-charge each of them, to no avail.

Afterward the larger boars look at him. like

"Seriously, Dude???"

Chunk had been stalking one of the sub-females (101) pretty much smitten when 747 took dominance a step further and came between them, sweeping her away...and mating with her.

Talk about being cock-blocked.

Poor Chunk.

Colbert (#747) is an absolute unit already!

Check out those claws.

The Beadies (#109 jr. and both 110's) have taken over the lip of the falls to fish.

And no...Otis has STILL not shown up.

And so we wait.

Yesterday during a Trump Rally something unexpected happened.

An assassination attempt.

By a member of his own party.

Very lucky for him, as he was injured but not killed.

Not so lucky for the guy behind him who took the bullet intended for Trump and died.

Not so lucky for the shooter...killed instantly by SS.

And two other attendees are currently shot and in critical condition.

The horrible rhetoric must stop.

Even me, a never-trumper, wants him to go away...but I don't want him dead, okay???

Waiting for Stephen King's and Dr. Fauci's newest books to arrive and enjoying the sun shine after all the rain.


Carla and Tux