Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Sleepy Sunday Cup

Tea and the news and catching up with e-mail...

Actually BBC is The News. CNN and FOX have been relegated to ENTERTAINMENT these days because neither can be called "journalism" with a straight face.  And you can't completely blame the news-stations either...the ratings speak for is what "We: The People" ask for...because we have to know the up-to-the-minute on Angelina Jolie or Lindsay Lohan. Or whether all your conversations to Aunt Gertie are being turned in to Homeland Security by Verizon.

Walter must be rolling in his grave. 

 Lightly toasted from basking this week...and playing in the flowers.
 So nice to realize I will never ever ever have to mow a lawn Just sit out on the a book and voila...the groundskeepers zip by on their Dixie Choppers and leave the back "golf-course" manicured. And a ring-brings-maintenance if something breaks/doesn't work/needs fixing. And no lawn-care or service/repair fees.  

Home Ownership is highly over-rated.

Finished the Camus...and seriously the guillotine couldn't come quickly enough for me. A book with many wonderful "quotes"...and yes...perhaps during its time  the leading edge of existentialism...but I can sum up my reading/translating experience with a firm

"...hors avec sa tĂȘte..." 
     (off with his head)

Sartre or Nietzsche being much more straightforward, and much more interesting to my opinion

Drifting back into learning Italian.
Found the BEST tutorial from the BBC. Very Rosetta-Stone in nature and enjoying it tremendously! I've always loved languages. A complete immersion approach.  The best part is that Italian is composed of a Latin/German/French and Spanish blend so I am finding a great deal of it quite familiar, already.

                              Un tavolo por uno, al fresco...per favore.


Chris has been playing guitar a lot these days...and just getting better and better.
Has added "funk" to his repertoire, too. So now can play Classical, Funk, Rock, POP, R&B, Delta Blues and Slap, Folk and Country.


So...settling in for a quiet Sunday evening...busy week ahead.
