Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hollandaise or lemony scrambled eggs...

Mine?  Hard to tell at this point.

Sauces are much trickier than they appear. 

This will take some time!

Right now, the focus seems to have shifted from getting a satisfactory emulsion to just retaining body heat as the temperatures plummet for the first week of the New Year.  Snow and below zero temps and several days of baking baguettes and bread to not only capture the experience; but also assist the furnace- which has run non-stop for days now.  Marsala and Fricassee giving way to Ragout and Creamy Potato Soups. Perfect with the crusty breads.  I did learn that the very best way to get that wonderful baguette crust is to mist the oven walls and even the top of the dough in a very hot oven while baking. The crusts turn out very crisp and chewy. Who knew?

Apparently the French.

Only 70 more days until Spring.


 Celebrating my Eldest's 28th birthday today! Hard to believe. He appears to be catching up with me. How can THAT be right?

And I had to suppress a small smile when listening to a video he posted explaining the need for transition to adulthood as one becomes 1). Over 21. or  2). A Parent. by finding a J-O-B  (yes..A "jobby job") and working hard and making it a priority instead of an option.
Obviously, thirty is creeping in.

More anon...