Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Almost Spring...Delegates, Super Delegates and Bernie...and The Office

And I think we are all READY!

The temperatures up to 70 last weekend!  Sure, it is slipping a bit this week, even maybe snow on Thursday...but Winter is on the way out!

The Eldest and family took the warmer opportunity to trek in the woods near their place

With Aiden riding in STYLE

And the Youngest enjoyed "windshield time" with the new car, and is back to  some hiking at the nearby nature parks.

He ninja'd in before work, leaving a surprise on the table for me to find when I woke up.

Baklava from my Favorite Greek Restaurant to go with my Morning Cup!!!

The Middle has been working his ass off....and hopefully will have vacation time by next year so he can come up again. We talk all the time...but it just isn't the same. 

My Oldest is apolitical...which is just strange given his upbringing. The Youngest and the Middle and I, firmly supporting

The Bernmeister.

The total Pledged Delegate Count is now

After Nevada.

These represent the actual number of delegates won during primaries or caucuses. In this case Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.

When you listen to the mass media and the pundits pontificate about Super Delegates please keep in mind one thing...Super Delegates tend to change with whatever direction the wind is blowing. They don't actually cast their vote until the very very end...and usually it is for the candidate that is carrying the popular vote.  Therefore, at this early stage in the game, trying to second guess them is fairly useless. In this election  they are trying to demoralize "the movement". Also, the Delegate numbers are going to yo-yo between now and June. One Primary won or lost does not a Nomination make. 

In short- BREATHE...we're fine.

After all the Debbie Wasserman-Shultz/DNC finagling and the Media Blackout Campaign...is it any wonder that there is a huge growing movement in the Revolution for

Something the DNC might want to consider before handing Hillary the Nomination. 

Just Saying.

And a tremendous shock when I returned to "My Office" on Friday.


 For several years now Lisa and a few of my friends at The local library have referred to The Periodical Room as  "Carla's Office" this started when a couple of friends were trying to catch up with me for lunch and Lisa headed them in my general direction upstairs telling them "I think she is in her OFFICE"...then another friend called the upstairs desk for me (receptionist?)..and it stuck.

 I kind of like it.

Anyway, during a recent remodel they added a round low table and several wing-backed chairs that I absolutely adore...and there is talk of plants.

So...Friday I was met by Lisa on my way up saying

"Oh...by the way...they re-painted your office."

Which was somewhat alarming, because whoever is in charge of paint chips in that organization must have either been

1.) Raised in Mexico..where Cantaloupe, Teal and Yellow sit side by side with Lime Green...  

2.)  Ray Charles' previous personal decorator.

My fears were confirmed when I walked into my newly painted "office" which is now...this colour.

Only a few shades lighter than Meep Vomit Green.

Actually, about the shade of Meep.

Oh Dear God!

Lisa and I shared an evil laugh...but it was Idgy's Brilliance that fixed the situation for me, as we discussed it over coffee this morning...something like this:

Me:   You have to get your interior decorator's license quickly and come fix this for me...

Her:   I'm thinking cute Latino waiters...Sombreros...Margaritas...Limes and Marachi music...and a Basket of Tortilla Chips.

Me:  I'm LOVING IT!  
Maybe a Cantina Menu. 

"El Libro y Cantina"

So, now...I'm contemplating showing up in a Sombrero with a plastic Margarita glass, shaker of salt and a wedge of lime.

Could be funny! 

(This is why we have been "besties" for heading into ten years, now)

 More anon...