Monday, January 8, 2018

James is 31...Painting Snoopy for Winter...Genius

Live...from Frozen Cataract Falls it's the Hurst Tribe!

James turned 31 today...which seems rather odd- since most days I feel around how can THAT be right?


Loved the whole BLAST RADIUS on his cake, though.

*the CDC will be along shortly to explain what to do about the fall-out.

Embarking on a fun project with Jill (Lennon's bio-mom) in a few days...since we both paint now.   She started with the Wine and Art series and we were talking about doing one (each) together. After sending several ideas back and forth we decided on this one.

A Van Gogh-ish Winter Snoopy.

Since we aren't actually going to be at the Art and Wine (here or in Massachusetts) we have paint and canvas and brushes...and will have to pick up our own bottles and!

Looking forward to starting and sharing results when finished.

Now a word about Genius.

You know it has been my observation in life that as soon as someone touts they
have wealth...intelligence...humility...stability...or class....well


So excuse me for passing coffee through my nose when I read Circus Peanut's tweet about his being (like) a "stable genius" (you know).


The entire Twitterverse was hysterical...and they are laughing AT you...not WITH you...okay?

Then, I happened on this morning's analysis of what it would take to invoke the 25th Amendment- with the writer proclaiming it would take something Apocalyptic to Happen...

and I'm saying

So WHAT are we waiting for, then???????????????????????????? 
Him to CHOKE on a Big Mac?

My Happy Thought?

Only 303 more days until Midterms.

Just watching (and helping whenever possible) The Blue Wave build.

Taking Our Country Back in 2018

The Christmas stuff is stowed and it looks BARE without it. Beginning the (before) Spring Cleaning tomorrow.Soon to force some of my refrigerated Spring Bulbs.

Tonight...relaxing and finishing off the end of the Meatloaf, Sides and Cherry Pie

"Diner Chow"

and home smells a lot like a diner!

More Anon...