Friday, February 2, 2018

February...Groundhog's Day...Friday...Book and Movie Review & SOTU...

Wow...that was fast!

January passed like a blur.

And it is February...the last true month of Winter...the bringer of Superbowl Sunday...W-2 Forms and Tax Rebates...Hearts and Flowers and Chocolate...Valentine's Day...and more...

Oh...and Groundhog's Day!

                                                "Put me fucking down!"

Puxatawney Phil predicting six more weeks of winter, this morning. To be honest, the poor rodent looks like he just needs a strong cup of coffee...and maybe sunglasses.

See...we CAN sort this problem.

Friday...and the venison is thawing for deer chili to fix for SBS!  The house is cleaned (...finally aligned my Cinderella Day with Amber's Floor Day...and the whole place is done at the same time...) and giving myself a self-proclaimed Three-day Weekend!

Bring on The Game!!!!

Working on the piece I am doing with Jill  "Snoopy's Winter" and will share photos when we are further along.

She went to her Wine and Art workshop the other night and tried out the Van Gogh-like approach to the night sky on one of her other paintings...which turned out quite nice.

Haven't quite gotten there with my Snoopy's Winter yet...but think the swirls will almost necessitate a finger-painting approach.

We will see.

The Movie this Week:

One I had missed in 2017...then saw it nominated for everything in the Oscars...and just wanted to check it out.


I can see WHY, now.  Set in the 60's with a true depiction of Life-during-the-Cold-War. Cigarettes, Sexism, Paranoia and all.  Brilliantly cast. Good story and special effects. The creature reminded me a lot of The Black Lagoon Creature of the era but with more human qualities...and without the campy rubber suit. Eliza Esposito was perfect as the mute woman who falls in love (and is loved back) by The Creature.

Extrapolating on this for a moment.  If they had cast a gorgeous woman with a perfect body in the one would have bought it. It would have ruined the film.

By casting a rather plain (ordinary) woman with a less than perfect body (necessary in the several nude shots) it helped make the storyline more credible.  
The awkward, less than perfect, less than confident, craving both acceptance and love, mute...and The Creature.

All of the men in the movie exuded the 1950's male persona perfectly.

And Octavia Spencer was outstanding, as always.

Anxious to see how it does at The Oscars in March!

If you haven't seen it!

The Book of the Week:

Finally reached the head of the queue. I have had it on request at my local since it came out.

Wow! (...again...)

This non-fiction expose of the White House and Trump Administration takes us through a LOT we actually lived through in the past year...tells us (verifies) a lot that we already knew..or suspected. And reveals some things that maybe we would probably rather NOT know.

Well written. Engaging.

Sometimes horrifying. 

Stephen King can't make THIS shit up.

And maybe a little you stop to think this flailing, insecure, man-child is the POTUS

A position...up to his stunning unbelievable win...that even HE didn't expect or want.

Really a must read.

which brings me to the

2018 SOTU Address

First off...kudos to whoever has taken on the job of Presidential Hairdresser...and gotten rid of that horrible orange looking hair. He has even toned down the tanning, a bit. 

To be honest...

(and his speech writers have a great deal to do with this)

It was as Presidential as I have ever seen the man act. That includes at his inauguration.

I might have disagreed with a great deal of what he said...but he didn't act like a buffoon while he was saying it...which was a nice relief.

It was also nice to see credit given to numerous individuals who have exemplified what being a hero or being American really was all about. It was unexpected and a nice human touch.

(...of Cinderella...after Midnight the spell was broken...and by morning he was back to tweeting and hurling insults at the FBI...the Media....and the Democrats...)

And...the Democrats...

( be fair...)

I can understand NOT standing or applauding when an issue you do not agree with is touted...I completely respect that the two parties are polar opposites on some topics.

But when you refuse to stand or applaud for ANYTHING

You remind me a lot of the Republicans who did...well...the EXACT same thing during President Obama's SOTU addresses.

(...I watched him one year discuss the progress made on cancer treatment and the GOP sat on their can THAT not be a positive thing...seriously???)

My point is that no matter which side does is still a petty and childish thing to do. 

We are suppose to be BETTER than that.

All of us.

The morning after the SOTU Address and Joe Kennedy's Rebuttal

 (...which was wonderful, btw)  

So many people began the morning conversation with

I didn't actually WATCH the SOTU Address, but...

and then they voiced their opinion of it, anyway.

Based on the talking heads opinion at Fox or CNN.

Seriously, people???????????????????

And you wonder (or applaud) at a man like DJT running our country?

Take a good long look in the mirror.

More Anon...