Monday, January 21, 2019

The Championship Games...Superbowl LIII...And More

And how the hell was THIS not pass interference????


Bad (and missed) calls aside...the Championship Games yesterday defined
"edge of your seat".

With not one, but BOTH, going into OT.

Unheard of...

And because I wanted to be wide awake for the back to back games which stretched into the late evening...I drank strong coffee.

Coffee that kept me up far past the end of the 2nd game...past the post-game prattle with John...a long long long time...

1:30 AM to be exact.

Which is why I work up a few minutes after 11 AM today feeling a great deal like Rip Van Winkle (or maybe Robin Williams out of Jumanji)

( an hair didn't look much different than his either...)

But back now. Fully caffienated.

And the eldest asking

"Okay...who are the Patriots playing THIS year?" will be a LA Rams-vs- NE Patriots Superbowl.

( might have been the Saints...if the NFL Referees hadn't been BLIND this year...ADA...EOE and all of that, I'm guessing...)

Grandpa's Chili now gone

Followed by chocolate, still warm and gooey, Walnut Brownies

and there are still quite a few left!

The snow came in...and it is about 12 degrees out today, so it won't be going anywhere for a while. Taking today's SNOW Day to putter around here...finish out my bedroom redo (pictures here afterward) and a few around-the-house jobs I've needed to accomplish.

Of course, with the snow came one of my 2019 Gardening catalogs.

I'm beginning to suspect this isn't an accident.

With the exception of my Roses...and I am thinking of adding another of those...this year is all about Hostas for my border.

And there are some beautiful choices!

From tiny Mouse Ears

Which stay and in a neat tidy pile.

and splashy Patriot

to the light green ruffled edges of Curly Fries

or the darker rippled Joy Ride.

Tiny enough to containerize. Mini-hostas.

To the huge, sprawling, Grand Dame.  Empress Wu

(...shown here with a gardener so you can get some idea of the size...)

and hundreds of varieties in between.

Also saw green hydrangea while visiting with Loretta in Fall...and loved them!

Available in large green mop-heads...and also miniaturized!
I may try both!

So summer's garden colors are tending toward greens, bluish-greens and creams.

My favorite online (and catalog) store

You can find everything, and they are always breeding and developing new varieties of old favorites.

May of them hardier and more pest resistant.

Speaking of PESTS

We are now in Day 30 of the Longest Government Shutdown in our Nation's History.

And I was disgusted, but certainly not surprised to see THIS yesterday:

Yes...Trump and the GOP have found a way to make $$$$ off the shutdown.
You can send faux bricks to Nancy Pelosi's office.


You can't even make shit like this up.

"Yep....Earlene and Ah may have lost the trayler...and the 'lectricity has bin shet off fer weeks...and theys no more foodstam's...but we shore show'd them daym lib'ruls...dint we, honey?"

(...just shaking my head...)


I am trying something new with Sofi that a woman on the Manx Boards shared with me.  Her Manx has much the same problem as Sofi's and she suggested single protein and high fiber food...given in small portions spread well throughout the day.  It is too early to tell if it has worked yet but should know by the end of the week.

"No...we are still going to need her to operate the brush"  - Shelby

Chris has finished another of his game pieces in his army.

So very cool! Can't wait to see more.

Must get busy around here.

More anon...

A Samurai Warrior Running His Manx  

"Told you we were bad-assed cats!