Saturday, August 10, 2019

School's Back...Purple Beans...and The Death of a Pedophile

Mama said only to say nice things about the dead.

Well...he's dead.

How Nice.

Woke to the news of Jeffery Epstein's suicide while awaiting his obscene amount of pedophile charges.

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!

And immediately the conspiracy theorists from both sides (right and left) are flying...

"Hillary Clinton Killed Another One"

"Donald Trump Shut Him Up"

"It was a HIT"

"He isn't REALLY dead...they Faked it and he is on an Island now"

"He was on Suicide is a one could EVER commit suicide on a suicide watch."


I prefer Occam's Razor myself.

This was a 66 year old billionaire whose life was going to be dragged through the mud and he would be a pariah if he did manage to get off on some technicality...or one who would spend the rest of his natural life in prison when found guilty.

And suicide watch is not is only as good as the humans who are implementing there is a HUGE margin for error.

Who knows...maybe the guard on watch this morning happened to be a survivor of sexual assault him/her self?  It definitely could happen.  

( Nursing this is referred to as a Slow-Code...)

If someone wants to commit suicide...they will find a way.

Personally, I am glad he is dead.

(...yeah...I know...not very Buddhist of me...and that is why I'll never be a Buddha...and always be a practicing...okay???) 

I am glad the victims were spared the hell of a courtroom reliving a horrible piece of their past for a defense attorney who was trying to question their character and prove they weren't children...but prostitutes.

I am glad they didn't have to watch this man get acquitted on some technicality and walk away free and smiling to victimize someone else.

I am glad that even if he was convicted...we (the taxpayers) would have paid to house him...feed him...take care of him for the rest of his miserable life...and all the damn appeals which would drag his victims through this over and over and over ad nauseum.

The best thing this POS could have done for his victims is to off himself.

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!

Moving on...

School is back in session.

Leaving Mom and Dad to do the Happy Dance when the bus pulls!

It has been awhile...but I still remember...

"How can we MISS YOU if you never leave???"

Chris and Tina trying to squeeze in their honeymoon between Work and Fall classes.

The idea of buying The Lake House a they are not going to sell...only rent it.


So they continue to house shop.

Chris at the equivalent of Green Belt in his lock-picking group now!

Amazing me by picking my door deadbolt in less than 2 minutes. 

Yeah...I know...

Had coffee with Diane and Brenda midweek...and engaged in the exchanging of the STUFF. 

I had extra catfish and fresh herbs for both of them. 

They had produce from their gardens for me.

I turned Diane's part Siamese, Tinkerbelle, onto the first fresh catnip she had ever had.

(...she wasn't impressed...sadly...)

My (late) Tucker-Cat never cared for it one way or another either...

Diane brought me something I had never even seen (much less tried) before.

Purple Green Beans

Mixed in with some regular Blue Lake Bush-Type.

These are called Royal Purple.

No difference in the taste...and amazingly (tried them last night with a pork roast I fixed) the color changes to bright green when they are cooked.

Sue, my long-time friend and neighbor, just got home from the hospital the other night after suffering a mild heart I put together a plate of the BBQ Roast Pork I'd made, Some Grilled Fresh Pineapple, Mashed Cheese and Garlic'd Red Potatoes, and Green Beans & shared the feast.


"Meals on Wheels"

(...because I'm in the wheelchair...silly...)

This Week's Movie: 

Tarantino outdid himself.

I loved this. Gave a real taste of the late 60's and early 1970's in California.
Spent a lot of time in LA and San Bernadino back then...and his portrayal was spot on.

And in classic Tarantino-style he tells the Sharon Tate/Manson story much like he did with Hitler and the Nazis in Inglorious Bastards.

Not the way it actually was...but instead the way it should have played out.

A must see...

The Book This Week:

A fine new Art book by Brooker...I picked this up basically for some of the brush technique suggestions.

Angie works in oils.

I prefer acrylics, but the brush techniques are fairly interchangeable.

Excellent, informative read.

And closing with a tale of Sofi...who met her first honeybee yesterday.

She has grown from my tiny bold "tiger"

to this

She loves the harness...and outside adventures.

We were out on the patio when she was interested in what I thought was a fly in the grassy edge off the patio.

When she stiffed her forelegs to leap at it fox-style in a pounce motion...

It wasn't a fly...but a honeybee checking out the white clover.

Her center pad of her left paw must have come down just right...and she bounced straight up and flew into the house.

It must have hurt like hell. Immediately swelling up and she limped, and was off and hot nosed all evening.

I am so glad that she didn't try to mouth it, instead.

Poor baby.

She was so miserable by bedtime it even earned her entry to The Forbidden Room.

( bedroom...)

instead of her crate.

Which she enjoyed very much.

She slept curled up next to me and by this morning she was her old happy, hoppy, cold-nosed self exploring every nook, cranny and interesting scent in the Forbidden Room.

"I think I like it...might not go back to The Crate."

Spoiled Brat.

More Anon...