Thursday, August 15, 2019

Virtual AT: Eagles Nest Shelter to Bake Oven Knob Shelter

"Hello...Beans back again!"

72 degrees, and gorgeous on the Trail today!

Sobering news from a couple of SOBO's, last night, who let us know that "Dusty Pilgrim" (a thru hiker from MA who had gone missing since late July) was found early his tent in the trail a bit...63 years old...and dead.
A suspected heart attack.

Some silence, and then agreement that he died doing what he loved. We should all be so live life to the fullest up until the moment we are no longer alive.

The group-effort chili was wonderful, and we all went to sleep content and well fed.

Supplies are getting sparse and a cross-road and stock up town will be needed soon.

Just stirred what was left of my peanut butter into my oatmeal this morning.

Peanut Butter is kind of a trail staple.

After I finish the (Virtual) may be off the edibles list for a while.

Just saying.

Now on with the hike.

Past Windsor Furnace

and Shelter

to Pulpit Rock and the Pinnacle

 Pulpit Rock and The Pinnacle Hike

Past Tri-County Corner...which sounds like it should have a General Store...but is really just a wide spot on the road.


To the Allentown Hiking Club Shelter

Which is actually pretty nice as shelters go...

But I'm now focused on my dwindling supplies and am gagging down a couple of the Almond Honey Flax Bars...because they are there...and excited to find not one but four individual stray M&M's bright blue, yellow and orange that had somehow escaped into the bottom of my food bag...

..lifting my spirits with their chocolatey goodness... is the little things.

At mile 1237 we hit Fort Franklin Road...and do a short side trek into Franklin...and civilization....and supplies, and even a small farm market with a little selection of fresh items!

I'm saved.

And enjoying fresh veggies tonight!

Such a treat on the trail!

Up Blue Mountain Summit

Which boasts a well-known ski resort in winter.

And hiking The Knifes Edge

Hike the Knifes Edge with "Songbird"

Most of the scree we are hiking is sedimentary rock.
Shale, Claystone and Sandstone.

On to Bear Rocks

Hiking Bear Rocks with the Wandering Woodsman

(a nice hike despite the graffiti)

Bake Oven Knob

Which has also seen its share of taggers and graffiti...


A hike along Bake Oven Knob with the Wandering Woodsman

It is sad to see the graffiti in this beautiful place...

Until at last we reach our Shelter for tonight

Built in  might be on of the oldest remaining shelters on the AT.  Hikers say that there is a resident snake that shows up frequently here.

(...which might be a good thing...given some of the mice problems at some of the shelters...running across you when you are trying to sleep or gnawing into your food bag...)

And this shelter comes with its own GHOST...or at least Ghost Story.

They call him The Stranger in The Shelter.

In 1973 this was the site of the first murder on the Appalachian Trail.

The Victim: Joel Polson.

Hiking with Margaret. More than a friend, less than a girlfriend they came across Ralph. The man who would eventually be convicted and imprisoned for his killing.

Shot once in the head and covered off the trail with leaves, sticks and rocks.

His parents, already dead, and no extended family.

He is said to make shadowy appearances at the shelter terrifying even those who have never heard of him or the murder before.

Haunt or a trick of the light?

Maybe we'll find out...

Building a fire and fixing fresh veggies to go with my Mac and Cheese tonight!

We are now at Mile 1245...and (hopefully) will finish "Rocksylvania" by tomorrow...

Yes, and find new boots! 

