Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Virtual AT: Pennsylvania Peters Mountain Shelter to Eagles Nest

On the (virtual) trail early this morning...

Mostly, because it is 68 degrees out and raining. No nice leisurely cooked breakfast for me today...just a grab and go with granola bars and thank goodness for Peters Shelter last night, and therefore no messy wet gear to stow.

The storm that rolled in last night was fierce...with talk of tornadoes in the area.

The trail is strewn with small branches, mud, slick rocks and leaf litter.

Onward we slog.

It isn't expected to be over 68 all day, although the rain is suppose to be spotty.

(...to be honest...it is a good thing this hike is virtual or I would have quit 12 times already...)

Our first stop is Kinter View...not sure how much of a view we will have today.

Kinter View

Up Stony Mountain's Horse-Shoe Trail

Where they caution you about the slick and twisty trail...because THEY know!

(...and if you were trying to ride a horse up here...it would slip, fall on you, and you would be squashed like a bug...okay???)

More of Horse Shoe Trail.

There is a fire-tower at the top...but we won't be climbing THAT today!

Finally coming to the end of Horse-Shoe Trail

Onward to Yellow Springs Village Site

Hoping the sun breaks through...or the rain stops...

and what is here...



(...now we've reached a level of surrealism that we haven't reached before...a virtual tour in the midst of a Virtual Adventure...)

Still we press on...

Past the Rausch Gap Shelter

 Which doesn't look so inviting in this rain.

and the William Penn Shelter

Where the sun finally is trying to peek through.  Stopping here shortly to rummage through my food bag because...yeah...starving!!!

The sun has returned...dragged out my single burner and cook pot and mixed up some powdered eggs with dried peppers and onions and a little of the bacon jerky.

Instant attitude adjustment!

Speaking of dried foods...learned something last night from Soda Pop (another SOBO)

How to dry meats (in advance) to carry.

Hamburger Crumbles

Shreds of Chicken, Pork

Flaked Fish

All which can be reconstituted with boiling water in your meal.

Dried Hamburger Crumbles

And here's how...

Cook very lean burger until done...drain off the fat.

Put in colander and pour boiling water over to remove any residual fat on the outside.

Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and pat surface dry with paper towels.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper or whatever seasoning you want.

Dry  completely overnight in oven at 145 degrees.

Let cool and ziplock bag...will keep 6 months without refrigeration.

 Can be added to soups, tacos, burritos, pasta and sauces.

So there is another thing we now know!

Thanks, Soda Pop!

A short nap in the sun (yay...SUNSHINE) and we are on our way!

To Round Head and Shower Steps

 The trail to Round Head...muddy...rocky...but at least it isn't raining!

Round Head

Shower Steps

500 steps.

Down to Shuberts Gap

Power Dam at Shuberts Gap


to the Fort Dietrich Snyder Marker

Close up

to Black Swatara Springs and State Park

And more rocks...lol!

 The trail here is definitely a "one foot in front of another" experience.

Bridge at Swatara State Park

Appalachian Trail through Swatara State Park

Bordner Cabin

 And the sound of the rushing waterfalls...thanks in no small part to the copious rainfall of the past few days.

A Walk in the Swatara with
The Wandering Woodsman


To Sand Springs Trail

Only a mile away from today's destination

Eagles Nest Shelter

Which we somehow could not reach without one more small downpour.

Thank goodness for lightweight plastic rain ponchos!

It has stopped but the temperature is steadily dropping. Priority is a fire...getting this wet gear off and some warm stick to your ribs food.

Our core group has dwindled during the day...many getting off the wet trail to stay in town. They may catch up with us down the hike. We are seeing less and less SOBO's now. Not a good sign, meaning conditions are already deteriorating in Maine.

The rest of us are pooling our available dried food resources and there will be
chili for tonight. Dried tomatoes, beans, macaroni, onions, peppers, mushrooms and chili powder. Oh...and a small bag of Soda Pop's hamburger crumbles that he left for us to try.  Like Hobo Stew or Stone Soup, tonight will be a group effort.

And crackers, of course.

Tonight we feast.

I have decided at our next stop and shop town I am going to get warmer gear and leave my lighter stuff in a hiker's box for SOBO's who are still heading toward good weather.

I am sure this is the beginning of FALL  (soon to be winter) for us.

See you up the trail.

