Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Where is Hunter S. Thompson When You NEED Him????

Because THIS is the face of the GOP of 2019.


And the past week and a half has been certifiably INSANE.

I, for one, would have loved a HST play-by-play.

Beginning with Matt Gaetz being booted from a closed door impeachment inquiry...because he didn't sit on one of three committees necessary to be there.

Boy was he pissed off.

But wait...

You know what the very BEST part of the whole thing was?

The GOP created the 3 Committee Rule back when they were interrogating Hillary.

Karma is only a bitch if you are.

Oh...and Hillary was completely exonerated this week. So I guess all of you will be apologizing, eh....and she won't be locked up.

So much has happened it is hard to keep track of...there are literally five breaking stories almost every day.

To get caught up...

Remember Trump and NO QUID PRO QUO with the Ukraine...

Well Mick Mulvaney came on live television and admitted to QUID PRO QUO (ing) and that it is done "all the time" and "you people need to get over it"

About a half hour later he got an ass-chewing and tried to walk his statement back...but the rest of us had the video by then. 

                                         "Seriously??? You People???"

Trump in his infinite stupidity pulled our troops out of Syria...and left The Kurds (who fought and died helping us defeat ISIS) to be systematically killed.

Ethnic Cleansing.

Oh...and ISIS members who had been imprisoned and guarded by the Kurds...well they are FREE again and regrouping.

So there is that.

And Lindsey Graham who was clutching his pearls and saying how wrong it would be to abandon the Kurds (...rightly so...)

Has had a change of heart.

"Well..ya gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette."


Now the House is subpoena (ing) everyone but Santa Claus involved in the Ukraine Scandal...

And...well...it is not looking good for Our Grifter-in-Chief.

Speaking of Grifters...

When even the GOP told him he absolutely was NOT booking the future G-7 in Trump's Doral hotel as it was a violation of the Emoluments Clause

Trump immediately took to Twitter and also saying it live on air

Calling it a "Phony Emoluments Clause" invented by the Democrats...

Yeah...because they hide that shit in the US Constitution.
And have since 1787.

Alexander Hamilton helped with this particular tidbit.

He really is clueless, you know.

Just saying.

Rick Perry is resigning.

This morning was just icing on top of the whole crazy-layer-cake when Trump compared his being Impeached to Being Lynched.

You know...I'm just not seeing it.

(...but it is kind of a warm fuzzy thought at this moment...)

No...I don't really want him dead...I just want him out of the White House...Penniless...Publically Shamed and Imprisoned.

Is THAT too much to ask?

We have got to get this Orange Whiny Constitutionally-Challenged Dictator-Wannabe out of Office

And NEVER let it happen again.