Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween...Living La Vida Boxes...3 Day Until the Election & More


Happy Halloween!!

A lot different this year. No trick or Nicole's Chili costumed grands...or sitting all together watching A Nightmare Before Christmas...

Damned Covid.

I guess the up-side is that I get ALL the chocolate this year.

The week has been a little insane.

And I don't mean The Trump Show.

(...we will get to that later...)

Some of the cabinets came...

Truly...I have no idea how people live in their homes during a remodel.

I really don't.

Still living La Vida Boxes...

Everything from the kitchen boxed and in the living room until the kitchen is finished.

If the kitchen is ever finished.

We are down to a pantry cabinet left to replace.

And I am getting a brand new dishwasher, refrigerator, and stove out of the deal.

And it isn't costing me a dime I need to take a deep breath and remind myself it is only an inconvenience.

And the remodel/fixing of the longstanding leak in the walls...and the bathroom has already cost 11,000 to date...without the kitchen.

Not surprising when they ripped the cabinets out the drywall looked like this...not quite as covered with black mold as the bathroom...but still pretty horrible.

Needless to stopped everything.

Dead quiet.

Covered with sticky plastic to keep from disturbing and spreading it through the air...Sawsall to remove the contaminated drywall and quickly whisked away...mold spray to kill any traces of spore left behind...then drywall to build a new wall before continuing.

You have to admit...these guys are good.

And a start on the new cabinets.

Monday, my new dishwasher and garbage disposal will arrive.

The replaced wall needs painted and there is some paint to finish in the bathroom.

The bathroom vanity and the pantry are scheduled in together...and should be here soon.

Soon, in construction, I have found is different from our definition and is much more like South Africa's "Now-Now" which can mean anything from this very second until...oh...the end of your life. 

Still everything is going to be beautiful when they are finished and I will have the equivalent of a brand new apartment.

Even if the construction crew has been here so long I literally know some of them by name, and how they take their coffee...

Just Saying.

Everyone getting into the new normal for Halloween.

Contemplating a surgical mask on my Jack'o'Lantern. 

Emma going through her Scooby phase and participating in Trunk or Treat.

With Aunt Tina

And carving her pumpkin

"Ewwww...nobody told me there would be brains!!!"

And James...who just decorated himself...

When you have a great tattoo gun and too much time on your!

I do like how it spells out LOKI when your fingers are together.


Exciting news as The Dodgers won the World Series!

And the Broncos~vs~Kansas City Chiefs game earlier in the week...the Chiefs won handily...but this was the best moment of the game for me...

Snow falling during the game and after one touchdown several of the team dropping to their backs to make snow angels in the Endzone!!!

Seriously...even if you don't like gotta LOVE this!

The Covid Numbers spiking now worldwide.

The Second Wave is here.

Worldwide we are seeing an additional half million (500,000) new infections each day, and have been for most of the week.

Nearly 46 Million people infected now.

In the US we have seen 71,000 then an additional 85,000...then 90,000...and yesterday 101,000 more.

for 347,000 new infections here in 4 days.

Have cancelled everything in November...including Our Time.

Hopefully it will peak out by December...sigh.

A little good news as the mortality rate has dropped from 4 in 100 to 3 in 100 elsewhere.

The USA is still at 4 in 100 currently.

Hoping this means maybe some overseas mutation to a little less lethal virus. That happens sometimes.

We will see.

And last..but certainly not least...the up and coming election...

Nicely summed up in this West Texan Sign.


(...loosely translated...Fuck You MAGA Asshole ... No more ORANGE...) 

Yeah...I laughed out loud...and kind of wished I had one!

This week has seen the most unhinged Trump yet...bless his heart.

17 Rallies on the schedule before next Tuesday.

From Tampa where the heat caused several elderly supporters to drop and be sent to the Nebraska where supporters were bused in several miles from their car...then left for hours in freezing temperatures before they made it back to  their cars...some attempting to walk the 3-4 miles in the cold. 

9 sent to ER with hypothermia. 

It is almost like he doesn't care.


He really doesn't care.

I feel a little sad for them...maskless...packed at rallies...dropping from the heat and cold. 

"Went to the Trump Rally...and all I got was heatstroke/frostbite, this tee-shirt, and Covid."

In 3 days...none of these people will matter in the least to him.

In 3 days...after they have voted (he hopes) they will cease to be useful to him.

Meanwhile some will catch the virus, some will get better, others will live but end up with exorbitant hospital bills...and some will die.

John voting this have to love a man who waits two hours in the rain to vote!!!


The deed is done...and now we wait.

Biden holding a strong lead in the pre-voting. I am soooooo hopeful!




Our fur-kids settling in for a relaxing weekend!

"So comfy!!!" ~Gadget

"Loving my cat nest, fireplace and rocking chair!"  ~Sofi

"This is The Life."  ~Gadget

"Spoiled? Moi?"  ~Sofi

Have a Wonderful Safe Halloween...