Saturday, November 7, 2020

They Called The Election...and Other Observations

After 5 days...the Election has been called!


Tears of joy...a celebratory shot of Peach Bourbon...and watching crowds filling the streets...whistles...cheering...laughing and hugging...and although his inauguration in around 2.5 months yet...this tremendous feeling of "It is finally over" and immense relief.

Today (along with millions) I no longer have to hold my breath and wonder what kind of a disaster Trump would mean for Medicare, Social Security and Disability...all which would affect my life profoundly.

 I don't have to wonder if he was going to strip away pre-existing conditions from our healthcare.

 I know that the incoming President is already working to set up his Corona Virus task-force...and he isn't even in office yet...and that Dr. Fauci and real scientist/epidemiologists will make it up...and better still that he will LISTEN to them.

 That he will surround himself with advisors that are the top in their respective fields...and unlike the current occupant of the oval...he will LISTEN to them as well. 

That he won't LIE to us on a daily basis.

Or cozy up to dictators while alienating our allies.

That he and Harris will work for people like you and I, and not the top 1%...and that the tax break will be nullified...and that (not making 400,000 a year) I will see no difference or escalation in taxes.

 I am proud that minutes after the race was called World Leaders congratulated Joe...and Welcomed America Back...and I am humbled to see celebrations all over the world to that effect. 

That he has already say we will rejoin The Paris Accord, and wants to transition to renewable forms of energy...and more importantly believes scientists world over who say Climate Change is real and is already affecting our lives.

So yes...Elections Matter.

              Facts Matter

              People Matter

For these reasons and many more...this is why I voted for Joe and Kamala.

Besides the general return to decency and decorum.

To have a President who conducts himself like a President and not like a Dictator or school yard bully. 

Today we took our country back...

And Donald Trump




Not a lot accomplished this week.

 Mostly waiting for the Election to be called.

John and I lost a good friend  (Andy) and the Mastermind of The Shelburn Bank Job on the weekend...He was a good person and everyone loved him. I can close my eyes and hear him start any story with

"Well, let me tell ya, bud."


"It was like this, bud."

Every time.

Curry (also a friend of ours) will be up tomorrow for the service.

Words can't even begin to say how he will be missed. By everyone...but especially by his sidekick- his little grand-daughter.

They were best buds.

Today is the day to unpack all the kitchen boxes except the countertops and pantry.

Get some laundry done.

Cook a good dinner/hot meal

and be sooooo thankful that Biden is the President-Elect.

Back to Virtual Madagascar soon!

