Saturday, February 13, 2021

Valentine's Day...Snow is Coming...and More


Outside it is way below freezing...but inside it is snug and warm and 70 with hot cocoa to sip.

I'm hibernating for a while.

My sister, Tina, says they have everything in, and that there is already 7" on the ground at her house.

We may have to postpone Lisa's birthday/Sister's Day until the first weekend of March.

John and I were going to have our Valentine's Escape next week...but have pushed it out until the following week instead because of the upcoming cold and snow. But we have been plotting and planning on the phone.

And...I have hit that yearly

"I could live on a beach"

part of

I'm done with it...

                    Come on Spring!!!

Everyone, who knows me, knows that politics is my Meth, and like every other political junkie out there...I have spent inordinate amounts of time on the Senate trial this the exclusion of housekeeping...healthy eating...hygiene... is a sickness.

And Kevin McCarthy did not help the cause last night with his bombshell!

So now there will be witnesses called.

(or not....they have reached an agreement to just enter the new evidence by affidavit...and still end this today...) 

Thank GOD.

But, I am not engaging will play out like it plays out. As I said previously, I will wait for the AP (Associated Press) call...and get back to enjoying the new Biden/Harris Presidency. 

Such a breath of fresh air.


So different from the last four years!

Laid a venison tenderloin out to roast tomorrow with sweet potatoes, salad and a pan of dark chocolate brownies to bake. Some real food after a week of piecing. Grabbing anything that can be consumed while the Senate is on break.

It's an addiction..damn it.

Did manage to try something completely new this week-

The newly touted Digornio's Croissant Pizza.

Croissant crust topped with red sauce and the meats and cheese of your choice.

I like Croissants.

I like Pizza.

Together...yeah...not so much.

As it was baking it smelled fresh croissants.

After it was done and cooling a bit it looked amazing.

The first bite was odd..all of the layers were very crispy and there was an audible crunch.

The flavor was all wrong...not quite a croissant...not quite a pizza...just wrong.

Not inedible...just not as enjoyable as I had envisioned.

The buttery flavor was a definite drawback.

This crust would have worked very well with a dessert pizza of cherry or cinnamon apple...not so much with savory toppings.

And odd twist occurred with the refrigerated Morning After Pizza aspect. was no longer crispy and the flavors had melded.

In short, it tasted just like any other MA Pizza.

Even stranger...when it was reheated in the oven the crisp layers regained their crispness and it tasted exactly like it was fresh out of the crust toughness just a delicate crunch.

Won't buy another...but it was an interesting adventure.

Would like them to try a dessert pizza with this crust.

John is now a fully-vaccinated card-carrying Covid won't get me, guy.

I will be soon.

Brenda and I are planning our late Mardi Gras celebration.

Since Covid is rampant in New Orleans right now...the parades and floats were cancelled. 

Did that stop the locals?

No...they simply said

 "If I can't have a parade or floats...I'll make MY HOUSE one, instead!"

( sincere apologies to Dr. Seuss...)

House Floats

Nothing...if not resourceful!

(...and how I miss New Orleans...)


Chris and Tina are good...she just bought her new car, and he is doing well with classes and Genesis...and stopped by this week for late night chat bringing Coke and Pizza!

Lennon is doing better with the loss of his grandmother...has finances sorted for keeping the house and paid off his car...and getting out a bit. Back to work now.

James and Nicki and the kids are fine...and he has been doing some song-writing lately. One about his late father which is very nice.

Angie is back in her Shoppe...but still battling the after-effects of Covid. The rest of the family has fully recovered.

And Diane is back on her way to sit out the rest of the winter in

She'll be back by Spring.

Loretta is good, and life is returning back to some form of normal in her assisted living now that everyone has been vaccinated (staff and residents)

Hopefully, the rest of us can say the same by mid-year.

Now it is time to make some sense of this house. 

Definitely a Cinderella Day!

Happy Valentine's Weekend...

"Hibernating for the Weekend!"

                                                 Sofi and Gadget

 Update:  It is over...only 7 out of 50 crossed over.

So disgusted.  

 Update Update:  I was feeling pretty down after the acquittal...kind of upset with the whole human race...okay..maybe just 43 Republicans.

A package arrived at the door...beautiful red roses...Dove dark chocolates and a bag of Sofii's favorite food (and a pound of real butter...kind of an inside joke). Happy Valentines to us...

Life is good...and I have the greatest guy...I love you...and yes...we will just vote the bastards out one at a time, beginning with Todd Young.