Monday, March 22, 2021

Virtual Africa: Angola

 And back to Virtual Africa this morning!

Angola...still in the South African region...named after the Portuguese Reino de Angola...Kingdom of Angola.

Nearly 482,000 square miles it is the second largest country in Africa.

Tropical...ranging from a low of the mid-50's to a high of 99 degrees.

It has endured many regime changes from the Portuguese...though several civil recent as 2012. 

There have been many acronyms claiming to liberate her people.  

Mostly it has just went from one oppressive leader to another.

This is evident with the economical situation in the area now.  

Angola is a country of contradictions. 

From the very wealthy...whose money comes from diamonds and oil,

 in the bustling vibrant cities on the coastline.

To the very very poor...

In the outlying rural areas where 94% of the Angolans are categorized as poverty stricken.

The primary language in Angola remains Portuguese.

Along with its diamonds and is also known for its coffee production. Which we will explore and sample next time.

Its capitol city is Luanda.

The predominate religion is Catholic.


 Next time we will discover something this area is famous for...and a subject near and dear to my heart...COFFEE!!!


Until then...