Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Virtual Africa: Sudan


Today (virtually) we are here.

Officially The Republic of Sudan.

45 million people live here in its 729,000 square miles.

It is Africa's 3rd largest country.

It's history dates back to the Pharaohs. We know about the pyramids in Egypt...but did you know Sudan also has pyramids?

Well, now you do.

These are the Nubian Pyramids.


and Inside

The country's name is derived from Arabic...and means Land of the Blacks.

Sudan has been under the present rule from 1956 to today. although there was briefly a coup in 1969 and the War of Dafur in 2003. 

As African countries has been rather stable.

Its coastline borders the Red Sea.

Face just won't see THIS at Myrtle Beach.

Red Sea

The capital city, Khartoum, is where the White Nile and the Blue Nile rivers meet and form the mighty Nile.

The fork which gives rise to the Nile.

Where The
Nile Splits

The dry desert regions are subject to frequent sandstorms (known as haboob)

Around 70% of the population here is Arab...with Islam being the primary religion and Arabic the predominate language.

As an aside....I received the Kenyan Coffee  and made some as soon as it arrived.

Very strong and good.

Next up:  Ethiopia.

Until then....