Saturday, May 21, 2022

Spring Visit...Parainfluenza...Monkeypox and Pneumonia

 Don and I enjoyed our Spring Visit...with blooming daffodils and irises...80 degree weather...sit out on the patio and catch up...politics...and Chinese Brunch!

It was very nice.

John and I waiting to see how his left upper lobe pneumonia resolves before committing to our Marshall Getaway.  He is sounding much better and fevers have diminished, so there is still hope. He has been on two antibiotics and breathing treatments. If not...we will reschedule and catch Logan's somewhere between now and then. 

Getting him healthy is our priority.

Our friend Charlcie...not so lucky...and hospitalized with Parainfluenza (viral) which has now went into viral pneumonia and taken over both lungs. The dx was a new one for can teach old dogs, it seems...but the gist seems to be that it is something that takes 7-10 days...and the body has to fight it off because there really is nothing they can do about it.  


She has had a rough couple of years.

And something new has popped up in 12 countries now.


Usually only seen in 80 cases in 12 countries and 6 of those in the US.

It has also been found in UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Canada and Australia.

This has never happened before.

 The name derives from the first time it was found after a group of lab monkeys contracted the is actually found in rodents (rats...squirrels)

A relative of creates pustules that turn into craters...burst and scab over and cause terrible scarring.

It is too early to speculated why it is spreading into Western areas...or how likely it will continue...but watching this one.

Now found in Dallas Texas, Massachusetts, and New York.

Perhaps mutation of a long stable virus...perhaps something else...we will see.

Itchy and painful with (currently) a 10% mortality rate.

If this would be a next-plague certainly could not be ignored like Covid has been.

Raining outside and much cooler. Today is a Cinderella Day...and hoping to see Nicki and Emma and Aiden tomorrow!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!