Saturday, June 4, 2022

Summer's Beginning...Peachy...Louis Vuitton Mahogany...Gardening & More


Most of the plants settled in hummers loving the return of the pink petunias which they seem to favor even over feeders. 

This summer's scent... Bath and Body Fresh Peach.

Which I have now in everything!

Started the morning by baking (and enjoying) a hot peach cobbler...basking and reading a everything is right in my world.

And yesterday...well...I did a thing.

Except for the salted caramel highlights a couple of years has been almost 30 years since I have messed with any type of hair coloring.

A few days ago the planets aligned because

A. I was sick of the gray creeping in...maybe 25% now and not the at the temples thing but scattered willy-nilly throughout.

B. The hair coloring called Louis Vuitton Mahogany...touted as a rich mink brown with reddish undertones. Trending for this summer.

(...who knew???)

Louis Vuitton Hair-Coloring.

No more gray and I'm loving it!

(...of course, the only way to look like her is to staple the picture to my

But the results are good...actually look like me  maybe 50. And the whole process left my hair softer and in better condition than when I started.

Very pleased!

Most of the week spent finishing out the patio garden and containers...mulching and tidying the borders. 

And basking.

Waiting on the miniature hot pepper seeds and morning glory seeds...but otherwise done until Fall.

Changing over Spring decoration to Summer this weekend.

"That doesn't go there!!!"


 Sofi loving some outdoor harness time and supervising.

She will soon be 4.

Manx middle age.

This week's Book

 A sequel of sorts to AML: Gift of the Sea.

The intro written by AML's daughter...which approved.

A deeper dive into self-reflection.

Excellent read!


The Movie:

 An older (2014) Malkovich film that I had somehow missed.

A great role for him...playing the Siberian Gang Boss (nee grandfather) teaching his grandson the criminal's Code of Honor...he should live by through his life.

I can't think of anyone better suited for this role.

Stories amidst stories...convoluted but always engaging.

This is one you won't want to miss.

You know what I do miss?


The days when mass shootings weren't back to back...or multiple in one day.

This week has been insane.

Schools...Churches...Grocery Stores...Family effing Funeral for fuck's sake.

WTH is wrong with people????

Enough is enough...we have to do something about our lax gun laws.

And good luck with all that

I'm starting to see a pattern emerging.

Vote them all out in 2022.

(...Who votes against lowering insulin prices and making baby formula available, anyway???)

Gearing up for the mid-term elections.

And then there is Monkeypox.

 Which has grown from just under 200 cases to 700 in one week worldwide. 

Still something to watch.

In the states we now have 19 cases...but I remember when there were only 11 cases of Covid...and 4 cases of I'm not impressed.

Ukraine has held its own toward Russian Invasion for 101 days now!

And Patron is making hospital rounds.

I love this little guy.

Completely Cinderella Weekend here...

See everyone next week.

