Sunday, January 22, 2023

Fresh Snowfall...Bills/Bengals Game Today...and Homemade Chili


and the antibiotic has worked its magic and I'm back to feeling good!

Woke yesterday to my sense of smell being back...and after a week of being sick and fevers and sweats...even the Sofi-Cat was like

"Damn,'s time for a bath!!!"

Washed the bed clothing and dirty clothes...and have a good start on the house. Soaked in a hot bubble bath and washed my filthy hair...and feeling a bit more human today.

Last weekend was the Wild Card matches and now the playoffs have begun.

Monday, Brady and the Buccaneers were eliminated by The Cowboys.

Yesterday, John and I watched the Jaguars get eliminated by Kansas...GO CHIEFS!!!!

...even if they did rough Mahomes up a bit...

Last night, the Eagles eliminated the Giants.

 ...The Eagles are a force to be reckoned with this year...

And today..amidst snow and chili we have The Bills -vs- The Bengals...which should be an amazing game.

Does it get any better than that???

So...anyway...soon to dish up spicy chili (as opposed to the crackers and Sprite I have subsisted on all week) and watch Burrows and Allen duke it out.

Whoever remains standing will be the team Kansas will have to play (beat) next weekend.  

Quietly...or maybe not so quietly...I am rooting for The Bills.

...we never seem to do well against The Bengals...

and I am hoping that Mahomes leg injuries have resolved by then.

Off to watch the game.


Have a Wonderful Weekend!


Carla and The Sofi-Cat


The Bengals beat the Bills 27-10 and are on their way to KC next weekend....