Friday, September 1, 2023



Maybe not right now...but soon!

Woke to crickets...and a flock of startled crows...and my fly-over of geese.


Plans to stow the Summer decorations...and bring out Autumn.

Dead-head and clip back the last of the Summer Patio garden...and get more sunflowers planted...and make way for the mums and pumpkins soon.

Sipping hot tea with honey.

Hard to believe that it is September, already!!!!

Watched through the night, this week, and kept in touch with our middle son as the hurricane missed and made landfall well above him!

For this I am grateful.

He is planning a trip up in a few months!

Chunk (#32) arrived back from his walk-about, yesterday.

Wherever he has been...obviously he has been eating well. 

We have several in serious contention for Fat Bear in October...Chunk...747...Grazer...Otis...856 and Walker are all enormous, this year.

My Finnegan is getting fluffier, too.

Getting a little tamer...not quite so feral...although he still won't take a bite of anything directly from my hand...we're working on it.

He does seem to enjoy supervising when I'm working in the yard.

And he knows his name now.

Finishing brunch...then it's off to play in the plants!


Carla and Finn