Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Politics & Stuff

 And there is a lot to unpack politically, too...

Kristi "Pick Me" Noem, who vied for a VP position with TFG added one small detail in her recently published book that alienated both R & D and virtually eliminated her chances...

When she included a passage about taking her 14 month old puppy to a gravel pit and then shooting it in the face.

No...it doesn't make you look strong, Kristi...it makes you look psychotic.

And TFG slept through a lot of his hush money trial...

but at the end of the jury trial was convicted of thirty-four (count'em 34) felonies.





A 34x felon.

Wouldn't be able to even get a job at McDonalds.

But, apparently, not a problem for MAGAs or the GOP...as he is up for their nomination for President.

You've got to be shitting me!!!!

And in that same line of thinking...some of his rabid supporters are now wearing diapers in solidarity with Sir Shitzenpants.


Yeah...I only WISH I was making this up.

And then there was a worm found in RFK Jr's brain...that had eaten a bit and then died!

Just shaking my head at this point...

But wait, there's more...

Mayhem ensued on the House floor as MTG snapped at Jasmine Crockett and claimed that she couldn't see legislation before her because of her false eyelashes...and Jasmine immediately called her 

A Bleach Blond, Bad Built, Butch Body

(...Bitch, was implied)

The BEST part of this exchange was Jamie Raskin who absolutely lost it.

And yes, this IS our Congress, folks.

The wars rage on....the Russian Rouble is crashing and burning...a major bank in Moscow has collapsed.

And I will be voting for the guy with zero felonies.