has been kinda like this...
I live in Indiana because I love four distinct seasons...just not ALL in the same week, okay????
But the Spring Birds are back...both the lawn and moss are greening nicely...and can
morels be far behind???
But it is still March, and this week we have literally had everything from sunshine and 80 degrees to 28 degrees and snowing.
So not quite yet.
It is grey and overcast today...cold (40's) and rainy.
Spring in Indiana is a process.
John and I have been dealing with another process.
Recently he has felt a little
After a fall...some gait issues...some vision issues...and just being a bit off...he ended up in ER for hours.
When they had CT Scanned...EKG'd...MRI'd...and various other tests they concluded it to be a moderate sized tumor on the Occipital area of his brain.
Yeah...I know...
The symptoms we were seeing wasn't a direct result from the tumor, but edema that had built up around it
He is taking a steroid that seems to be handling the reduction of the swelling.
The symptoms are reducing.
A great team has been assembled.
Most of which we knew from the lung cancer team...and a neurosurgeon.
They have surgery scheduled for April 9th.
It has been a week.
Our friend, Kathy, added some levity recently when she reminded us that
"Now...we have FRED and Ethel."
...think The Honeymooners...
We are in a more positive mindset.'s always something...
And we will, of course, see each other before the surgery...when Ethel gets her eviction notice.
Carla, John and The Cats