Sunday, March 23, 2025

Springtime...Fred and Ethel...And More has been kinda like this...

I live in Indiana because I love four distinct seasons...just not ALL in the same week, okay????

But the Spring Birds are back...both the lawn and moss are greening nicely...and can

 morels be far behind???

But it is still March, and this week we have literally had everything from sunshine and 80 degrees to 28 degrees and snowing.

So not quite yet.

It is grey and overcast today...cold (40's) and rainy.

Spring in Indiana is a process.

John and I have been dealing with another process.

Recently he has felt a little

After a fall...some gait issues...some vision issues...and just being a bit off...he ended up in ER for hours.

When they had CT Scanned...EKG'd...MRI'd...and various other tests they concluded it to be a moderate sized tumor on the Occipital area of his brain.

Yeah...I know...

The symptoms we were seeing wasn't a direct result from the tumor, but edema that had built up around it

He is taking a steroid that seems to be handling the reduction of the swelling.

The symptoms are reducing.

A great team has been assembled.

Most of which we knew from the lung cancer team...and a neurosurgeon.

They have surgery scheduled for April 9th.

It has been a week.

Our friend, Kathy, added some levity recently when she reminded us that

"Now...we have FRED and Ethel."

...think The Honeymooners...

We are in a more positive mindset.'s always something...

And we will, of course, see each other before the surgery...when Ethel gets her eviction notice.


Carla, John and The Cats











Saturday, March 22, 2025

It Has Been Two Months...

 So, why does it feel like 10 years???

If you're not exhausted...I can only assume you haven't been paying attention.

For the rest of us...Oh My God!!!!!!!

Between Trump and is impossible to keep up with the insanity (and subsequent lawsuits).

Even Chief Justice John Roberts had to reprimand him recently

"Just because a judge hands you a ruling you don't can't ask that they be impeached!!!"

Predictably, he has already threw Marc Rubio under the bus.


...and we knew that was just a matter of time...

Prices are up.

Jobs are down.

Inflation is creeping back up.

The stock-market is down. 

Deportations have started...but it is not just illegals...and in some cases even U.S. citizens.

My middle son described it best.

"It's a shit-show."

And so it goes...




"STEVE...I'm just calling it- Steve!!!"



Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Respite...More New Stuff...Our Spring Getaway


Lachlan is 10 months old, not long until his first birthday!

Back now...and recovering...before the Cinderella Day that is tomorrow.

The Spring Escape was amazing.

...and so are you, honey...

Great food...that Prime Rib Dinner with all the fixings...Waking to you...and breakfast grits swimming in butter...and hashed-brown casserole with bacon, onions and cheese...peach cobbler ala mode...toast with blackberry jam...OJ and coffee!!!!

...going to put back on the weight I lost while I was sick...

The best part was just holding hands and being together again!


And I have found/tried some more new-to-me stuff.

The first being Native products.

Which come in an assortment of different scents and deodorants...body washes...shampoo and conditioners...and lotions/skin creams...

Including Fresh Dunkin Doughnuts scents (multiple) and my very favorite Blueberry Cobbler!

...which does, indeed, smell just like hot blueberry cobbler... is the little things that make life worthwhile.


Another new-to-me was Zevo.

Fruit-Fly Spray

...because when you have 5 of them you instantly end up with 500...

Really works quickly...mostly non-toxic...and doesn't have a chemical bug-spray scent!


And last...but certainly not least-

Greencastle's newest restaurant, The Lost Hollow Beer Company.


 The Dirty Curdy.

A two-patty cheeseburger topped with cheese curds...and drizzled with beer-cheese...which was okay- be honest...I don't care for beer...

But what made the meal extraordinary was the fries!

Hand-cut, they were cooked in Beef Tallow. has been years since I have had anything deep-fried in tallow...since everyone went to seed/vegetable oil.


What a flavor difference.

...the best fries I've had in years...

Have a WONDERFUL Sunday!







Saturday, March 8, 2025

March....Family....7th Week...and New Stuff


Woke to 40 degrees and the sound of Spring birds!

Next week promises 60 and 70 degree days...and the beginning of clearing the pots and borders...soon to start planting and such.

 Needless to say...I'm thrilled. is the Tux-Cat...

A last bit of snow...and it may be over.


Last Saturday was wonderful! The house filled with family...sons...daughter-in-laws...grands...happy chaos!!!

And Lachlan passed around like champagne. 

Such a smiley baby!!!!

Tux...who loves people...spent most of the afternoon just winding himself around everyone and getting played with/loved on.

And we've all needed some happy chaos...

Because the last 7 weeks can it only be 7 weeks???? 

has been complete and utter chaos.

Tariffs on...tariffs're're not fired...five things you've don't have to answer that e-mail...oh yes, you do...and on and on.

MAGA is slowly realizing that except for their votes...he doesn't care about them.

...that has to sting...

So many fired...wanting to cut Medicaid and food stamps...wanting to dismantle NOAA and FEMA...


And it has only been 7 weeks.

Only 45.5 months to go.

...dear god...

A bunch of new stuff out now.

Arby's has come up with a fish sandwich on King's Hawaiian Bread.

  ...which looks and sounds much better than it me...

 and their new Andes Mint Shake

 ...which is as good as the fish is bad...

Try them yourself!!!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!


Carla & Tux


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Touching Grass...and Valentine's Day!


Sometimes...when you are up to your ass in is hard to remember you're there to drain the swamp... 

The last few weeks I've been letting Trump and his Boy-Sidekick (Musk) eat my brain.

Even though I swore I was not going to let that happen.

What did it get me?

Sleepless nights...general grumpiness...feeling overwhelmed and this lovely stress (cold) sore on the right side of my mouth.

...I know...bleah...

Am trying hard to reset over the next few days.

Touching Grass.

...not literally...mine being buried by snow currently... 

Amidst all the chaos and insanity, John and I had a lovely Valentine's Day with heart-shaped pizza and jalapeno poppers and coffee, cards, dark chocolate cocoa and so much chocolate...and stuff for the cats, of course...and even a small cat-nap together.

It was wonderful!

How perfect to share the day reserved for love...with someone you love.

And how easy it is to take that (and so many other things for granted).

Waking up.

A good night's sleep.

Not hurting.

Loving and being loved.

Tux purring himself to sleep on top on me...then falling into that deep sleep where he snores.

Watching his ears, whiskers and paws twitch while he dreams.

A delicious meal.

The return of warmth, the light, and soon Spring!

And a million other moments.

Got to stay focused on these!!!!




Friday, February 21, 2025

One Month... has been 84 years...


Well, it feels that way, anyway. to believe it has only been one month.

I think I speak for most of us, when I say we are just exhausted.

So much chaos, and lying and destruction in 30 days. 


Freezing funds...court some (oops) cases re-hirings...verbal attacks on our allies...the whole Panama Canal, Canada, Greenland business...cuts to Medicaid...EBT...siding with Russia...filling his cabinet with incompetents...donors and Fox News Hosts...and I could go on and on.

So tired.




And make no mistake about it...that is what is is designed to do.  Exhaust us. Wear us down. Make us comply...or become apathetic...or give up.

Which is exactly why we cannot.

Be tired. Rest. Then return to resist.

I think it is apparent that no one is coming to save us.

So, we must save ourselves, and our Country.

Take care of ourselves...and others.

This, too, shall pass.

In this case in only 47 more months.




This is today's stock market drop



So much winning.

Taking a break...need to touch grass.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Trump-Free Weekend....Superbowl Sunday...and How About Those Eagles! Kansas is my team...but damn!

Face it...we were completely outplayed last night...and the right team won.

There were mistakes on both sides...but throughout The Eagles were a well-oiled machine!

We made Barkley get the smallest number of yards he has gotten all season...and some great stops.

They squished Mahomes at least 5 or 6 times...smashed him flat.

When the dust cleared our chances for a three-peat were gone and Hurts and crew had The Lombardi. football is over for seven weeks...

 Took a Trump-Free Weekend and am now looking cautiously around at the newest damage...'s kind of like that.

It seems the orange fellow did go to the Superbowl...but left early on. eternal thanks to Tubi for giving him zero air time...

During which he made the decision to exact 25% tariffs on aluminum and steel...and discontinue minting pennies.

...yeah.. we are.

We now have bird flu in 5 different sites in Indiana and many others in the surrounding states.

The jump from human-to-human is not IF but WHEN.

...and they won't be able to disregard it like Covid...because this has a 50% mortality rate...

There is no cure or vaccine at this time.


More as it comes...

