Sunday, January 21, 2024

It's a BABY...This Week...and Football

                                        My newest grand-baby at 20 weeks!

Spent Thursday with Chris and my DIL...her mother, sister and niece at their 20 week ultra-sound. Halfway there. Although we all (individually) got to view most of it...even tiny fingers and feet...they wanted to find out (alone) whether it was a boy or girl.

We waited anxiously outside awaiting their return.

When they emerged they grinned and said

"It's A....BABY"

Yeah...I know.



Anyway...they had pre-decided that on Feburary 5th they will be hosting a dinner and let everyone know at the same time. looks like for is going to be a mystery ( the rest of us...) for a little bit longer.

The doctor says it is healthy and perfect!

About 12 ounces and a little over 10" long.

Other than traipsing out to the hospital with the kids, I've been pretty much hibernating in this extreme cold.

The snow is pretty.

Next week they have predicted a real warm up.

At this point I am ready for Spring!

John and I anticipating our January "Getaway"!

Finished Taupin's

Which was an exceptional read.

And found a couple older films I had missed.

Both with Bruce Willis, and an all-star cast.

Very entertaining!

And John and I watched Saturday's playoff games...and are nervously awaiting the Chiefs/Bills game tonight.

So far the Ravens have eliminated the Texans...and the 49ers tossed the Packers out.

It is crunch time, now.

Made potato soup and crusty bread to enjoy with the games!

Getting ready for a hot bubble bath and will update who's left standing tonight!



The Lions beat the Buccaneers!

So they will play the 49ers next week.



 So we will play the Ravens next weekend!

Lions ~vs~ 49ers

Chiefs ~vs~ Ravens

The winners will be our 2024 Superbowl Contenders!




Carla and Tux

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Football...Food...and FREEZING! is a lot like this!

My eldest is now 37...and for wildcard weekend (and the near future) Tux and I were/are hibernating with warm football.

How cold was ask???

Well, started yesterday morning with -7 degrees.

By noon it reached 0.

The high at 6PM of 4 degrees... and then it started its downward spiral again.

The cat is not amused.

Since he only toilets outside he has the speed dash to relieve himself down to an art form.

The Wildcard Playoff Weekend was exciting!

Sooooooooooooooooooooo cold at the Chiefs vs Dolphins Game.

(...real temp -4 degrees with a wind chill of -23...)

Reid's mustache froze solid.

Beers exploded.


And helmets shattered!

Miami had problems in the bone numbing cold...and Kansas won handily.

The Packers beat The Cowboys.

The Texans beat The Browns

The Lions beat The Rams

The Buccaneers beat The Eagles

and The Bills beat The Steelers.

Hyperventilating now, as we (Chiefs) are scheduled to play The Bills at Buffalo on Sunday.

I both love and hate the playoffs.

They are wonderfully exciting...but from Wildcard Weekend it is one and done.

Selfishly...I am just not sure Patrick Mahomes can beat Josh Allen this year.

But it should be an outstanding game!

(...TBH, I like both teams, so a win by either is okay with me...)

In fact next weekend promises 4 great we winnow down to the 2 teams that will end up in the Superbowl.

Have a Wonderful Week (...and stay warm!!!)


Carla and Tux


Saturday, January 6, 2024

The First Week of 2024 and SNOW!!!



Yeah...I admit it...this was ME waking up to the first snowfall of the season...

It was a winter wonderland...and the Christmas Tree was immediately re-lit, as was the fir scented candle!

Tomorrow, it all gets un-decorated and stowed...but there will be Christmas for one more day.

                              I LOVE the first snowy day of Winter!

Pepper Steak soup (homemade) bubbling to go with garlic bread and salad.

Wanting gingerbread...maybe Monday?

And excited for tonight's Colts game with John. 

This one is critical and will decide whether the season is over for us, or whether we make it to the playoffs.

(...have pizza and Coke for the occasion...)


The first week is in the books!



Carla and Tux

Update:  Great game...even though we didn't win.

The season is over for us...but we went farther than anyone thought we would.

CJ Stroud (Rookie for Houston) is amazing and deserves ROTY.

That opening drive/75 yard pass/one play touchdown was incredible!

On a related note...must find more coffee....

Monday, January 1, 2024

Goodbye 2023....Hello 2024


Happy New Year!!!!

Now pass the coffee, and no one gets hurt.

Some real ups from 2023...John BEAT lung cancer...I have my family back together...Lennon was up for his birthday and Thanksgiving...and, of  course, Tux. 

(...hearing Otto  "I have a cat."...)


And some downs...I lost Sofi...


My friend, Diane, died, and Tux ran the feral I had worked to tame down for 6 months (Finn) off completely...sigh.



But, today is the beginning of 2024 and woke to a dusting of snow on the roof and the glow of the Christmas tree and Tux curled snugly against me, purring.

Life is good.

Watched the Colts win yesterday with John...and later Kansas...with only one regular season game left before playoffs.

Ate entirely too much cheese...crackers...cold boiled shrimp and fresh fruit.

Stayed up way too late.

Now it is time to clean up the mess...switch over the a list of goals...and caffeinate heavily.

Not necessarily in that order.

Yeah...pretty much like that.

But anyway... 

2024's GOALS...

PT and OT twice a day to maintain muscle...keep a stable weight...and regain some of my small muscle use (which I have lost).

Get back to a PCP, and yearly MRI and labs.

Paid everything up at the end of December and want to maintain this level of financial stability...first time in 13 years!!!

Implement a healthy savings plan.

Continue to minimize and downsize.

Spend more quality 1:1 time with friends, family and John.

Enjoy our 6th year together!

Yeah...that's about it.

Now to get more coffee...