Monday, January 1, 2024

Goodbye 2023....Hello 2024


Happy New Year!!!!

Now pass the coffee, and no one gets hurt.

Some real ups from 2023...John BEAT lung cancer...I have my family back together...Lennon was up for his birthday and Thanksgiving...and, of  course, Tux. 

(...hearing Otto  "I have a cat."...)


And some downs...I lost Sofi...


My friend, Diane, died, and Tux ran the feral I had worked to tame down for 6 months (Finn) off completely...sigh.



But, today is the beginning of 2024 and woke to a dusting of snow on the roof and the glow of the Christmas tree and Tux curled snugly against me, purring.

Life is good.

Watched the Colts win yesterday with John...and later Kansas...with only one regular season game left before playoffs.

Ate entirely too much cheese...crackers...cold boiled shrimp and fresh fruit.

Stayed up way too late.

Now it is time to clean up the mess...switch over the a list of goals...and caffeinate heavily.

Not necessarily in that order.

Yeah...pretty much like that.

But anyway... 

2024's GOALS...

PT and OT twice a day to maintain muscle...keep a stable weight...and regain some of my small muscle use (which I have lost).

Get back to a PCP, and yearly MRI and labs.

Paid everything up at the end of December and want to maintain this level of financial stability...first time in 13 years!!!

Implement a healthy savings plan.

Continue to minimize and downsize.

Spend more quality 1:1 time with friends, family and John.

Enjoy our 6th year together!

Yeah...that's about it.

Now to get more coffee...