Saturday, January 6, 2024

The First Week of 2024 and SNOW!!!



Yeah...I admit it...this was ME waking up to the first snowfall of the season...

It was a winter wonderland...and the Christmas Tree was immediately re-lit, as was the fir scented candle!

Tomorrow, it all gets un-decorated and stowed...but there will be Christmas for one more day.

                              I LOVE the first snowy day of Winter!

Pepper Steak soup (homemade) bubbling to go with garlic bread and salad.

Wanting gingerbread...maybe Monday?

And excited for tonight's Colts game with John. 

This one is critical and will decide whether the season is over for us, or whether we make it to the playoffs.

(...have pizza and Coke for the occasion...)


The first week is in the books!



Carla and Tux

Update:  Great game...even though we didn't win.

The season is over for us...but we went farther than anyone thought we would.

CJ Stroud (Rookie for Houston) is amazing and deserves ROTY.

That opening drive/75 yard pass/one play touchdown was incredible!

On a related note...must find more coffee....