Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Relaxing Afternoon Cup

Settling in for a relaxing afternoon cup!

Big Deep Breath.

The outburst of yesterday, past. Thankfully. Proving once again I'm Zen, but also very human. It's a process.

A close friend reminding me this morning that the only way to overcome the hate and struggle is with Love and Light.

This is absolutely true.

And finally, perhaps, the Nation's conversation has turned to the death and destruction that civilians with assault weapons can wreak, in addition to a failing/underfunded mental health system.

If the deaths of these children can spark the beginning of the end of the insanity...they will not have died in vain.

The cards are all mailed. The Presents posted or wrapped. The cookie dough made and wrapped, to be cut and baked on Christmas Eve.  This is the week to relax. Enjoy the season. Read (and work on my new manuscript a bit.)  To Breathe.

The last minute chaos and crush of the crowds a thing of the past. It took over 50 years to devise a system...lol...

Christmas in 10 days. The Return to Organization. 

               (...actually working this concept up into an article...)

                                                will share

Admittedly, this has only existed in my life in the past few years. I could tell you horror stories about hours spent in malls and mall parking lots. Of watching people fist-fight over parking spaces. Of last minute shopping on Christmas Eve. And the holiday drone in the background of a thousand voices muttering

"I just want the holidays to be over.

And it has gotten so chaotic...so hectic...so much of a greed-fest and so stressful...they really really mean it. 

So amidst the wrappers and ribbons...the boxes and bags...remember the important things. The things money can't buy.  Family. Health. Love. Gratitude. Joy. Wonder. Beauty. Peace.

Everything that 
                           makes life worth living!